Good afternoon fellas. I recently started looking for a certain type of old camcorder for a specific purpose. They are not rare but I just don't have one. So first I do the "smart" thing and look at The Artist Formerly Known As eBay. Much of what I found was of dubious quality and a good bit priced in the "what are they smoking?" range. Those things are irritating enough but what drives me crazy is the businesses and their sniper software. Now before we all chalk this up to a disgruntled bidder that should have bid higher hear me out. I know many make their living but would to God there was an alternative.
What drives me crazy is the snipers who are obviously either shilling for businesses or artificially driving up used prices on electronics to almost silly levels. Remember, used electronics have always been huge gambles. It is why you don't get squat for them in the paper classifieds or pawn shops. Let alone paying any kind of real money sight unseen. The person who out bid me had 253 bids in the prior 30 days. ALL of them were in camera and video department. Of the bids only three auctions had more than one bid. Obvious sniper willing to jack prices up a bit and try to make a thinner margin on the return sale on the 'Bay later or whatever. It just drives me crazy that what was once America's largest garage sale is nothing more than a quick sale business scheme with old time used car salesman tactics. On a couple of the items I looked at I had to specifically ask about things like chargers, functions, etc. Good lord. I think I will just post a wanted ad on Craigslist or hit the garage sales. I also have some things working with B&B members so it will be alright. Just kind of depressing really. The Old Grey 'Bay she ain't what she used to be.
Cheers, Todd
What drives me crazy is the snipers who are obviously either shilling for businesses or artificially driving up used prices on electronics to almost silly levels. Remember, used electronics have always been huge gambles. It is why you don't get squat for them in the paper classifieds or pawn shops. Let alone paying any kind of real money sight unseen. The person who out bid me had 253 bids in the prior 30 days. ALL of them were in camera and video department. Of the bids only three auctions had more than one bid. Obvious sniper willing to jack prices up a bit and try to make a thinner margin on the return sale on the 'Bay later or whatever. It just drives me crazy that what was once America's largest garage sale is nothing more than a quick sale business scheme with old time used car salesman tactics. On a couple of the items I looked at I had to specifically ask about things like chargers, functions, etc. Good lord. I think I will just post a wanted ad on Craigslist or hit the garage sales. I also have some things working with B&B members so it will be alright. Just kind of depressing really. The Old Grey 'Bay she ain't what she used to be.
Cheers, Todd
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