So, some of you are aware of my fascination with Darwin's (especially Deluxes). Even though I only own one Deluxe, I try to keep tabs on what's out there as I like seeing the variations in these razors. Almost no two are alike and the latest Darwin sold on Ebay is no exception however there is something very different about this Deluxe from all the other Darwin Deluxes I have ever seen. So here is one of the auction photos....standard Darwin Deluxe yes?
Until you look under the baseplate...
where it normally says Patent Cobalt Steel...
this one says
Patent P.R.K. 33 Super Steel
I have never seen this...especially on a Darwin Deluxe. I thought they were all Cobalt Steel. Has anyone ever heard of P.R.K 33 Super Steel, is it similar to cobalt steel, or seen this variation before? I wonder if this was a type of steel they tried but ultimately didn't proceed with since this is the only one I have seen? Is it still in use in some industry now? I am not a metallurgist but my curiosity was peaked again and wondered if someone out there had more information for me. Thanks.
E-Bay auction for reference...
Until you look under the baseplate...
where it normally says Patent Cobalt Steel...
this one says
Patent P.R.K. 33 Super Steel
I have never seen this...especially on a Darwin Deluxe. I thought they were all Cobalt Steel. Has anyone ever heard of P.R.K 33 Super Steel, is it similar to cobalt steel, or seen this variation before? I wonder if this was a type of steel they tried but ultimately didn't proceed with since this is the only one I have seen? Is it still in use in some industry now? I am not a metallurgist but my curiosity was peaked again and wondered if someone out there had more information for me. Thanks.
E-Bay auction for reference...