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Yet Another Darwin Deluxe Variation

So, some of you are aware of my fascination with Darwin's (especially Deluxes). Even though I only own one Deluxe, I try to keep tabs on what's out there as I like seeing the variations in these razors. Almost no two are alike and the latest Darwin sold on Ebay is no exception however there is something very different about this Deluxe from all the other Darwin Deluxes I have ever seen. So here is one of the auction photos....standard Darwin Deluxe yes?


Until you look under the baseplate...
where it normally says Patent Cobalt Steel...
this one says


Patent P.R.K. 33 Super Steel

I have never seen this...especially on a Darwin Deluxe. I thought they were all Cobalt Steel. Has anyone ever heard of P.R.K 33 Super Steel, is it similar to cobalt steel, or seen this variation before? I wonder if this was a type of steel they tried but ultimately didn't proceed with since this is the only one I have seen? Is it still in use in some industry now? I am not a metallurgist but my curiosity was peaked again and wondered if someone out there had more information for me. Thanks.

E-Bay auction for reference...
I can't speak for the razor itself, but PRK 33 is a high-carbon, cobalt containing steel made by Allagheny Ludlum classified as AISI D5. There's a description of the alloy and its uses in the PDF link.

http://www.varcoprecision.com/tools.htm (identification table used to determine manufacturer and AISI identification.)
http://www.alro.com/DATACatalog/UpdatedCatalogSections02-24-09/014-ToolSteel.pdf (AISI steel descriptions.)

Not sure if this was what you're looking for, but my curiosity was peaked.
It seems to be a Cobalt steel

[SIZE=-1]Low Carb.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Lehigh-L[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Superior # 4[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Airdi 110[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]D-1[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]D-2[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Ontario[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]F.N.S.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Lehigh-H[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Superior # 3[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]610 & 610 FM[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Atmodie[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Airdi 150[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Croloy[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Cromovan[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]CNS-1[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Olympic F. M. [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]CCM[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Ohio Die[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Ultradie 2 & 3[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Ohio Die[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Darwin #1[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]D-2[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]D-3[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Huron[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]N.N.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Lehigh-S[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Superior # 1[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Hampden[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Superdie[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]812 Die Steel[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Triple Die[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]CNS-2[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]GSN F.M.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]12225[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]UltraDie-1[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Neor[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]D-3[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]D-4[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Grade 124[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]AT-2[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Atomodie 4[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]HYCC[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]CNS-3[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]GSN + MO[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Untradie-1M[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Crocar[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]D-4[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]D-5[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]FCC 66 & PRK-33[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Superior # 2[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Atomodie 5[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Aero 12-3[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]3 C Special[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Cobalt Chr. F.M.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]EK-81[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Ohio Die Cobalt[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]PRK 33[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]D-5[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]D-7[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Huron V[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]HYCV[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Truwear[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Br-4 F.M.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]ARS[/SIZE]
So Alex, pretend I am a stupid layman (which I am :confused1). Can you interpret that chart you put up. For instance, why does it say Darwin #1 in the upper right hand corner?
I can't speak for the razor itself, but PRK 33 is a high-carbon, cobalt containing steel made by Allagheny Ludlum classified as AISI D5. There's a description of the alloy and its uses in the PDF link.

http://www.varcoprecision.com/tools.htm (identification table used to determine manufacturer and AISI identification.)
http://www.alro.com/DATACatalog/UpdatedCatalogSections02-24-09/014-ToolSteel.pdf (AISI steel descriptions.)

Not sure if this was what you're looking for, but my curiosity was peaked.
Thank you for being an Army Medic in the Army. We appreciate your service.
Where did you find this chart? What does the x-axis represent? Did you get this chart from Nathan Stratham?

It seems to be a Cobalt steel

[SIZE=-1]Low Carb.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Lehigh-L[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Superior # 4[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Airdi 110[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]D-1[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]D-2[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Ontario[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]F.N.S.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Lehigh-H[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Superior # 3[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]610 & 610 FM[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Atmodie[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Airdi 150[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Croloy[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Cromovan[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]CNS-1[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Olympic F. M. [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]CCM[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Ohio Die[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Ultradie 2 & 3[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Ohio Die[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Darwin #1[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]D-2[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]D-3[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Huron[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]N.N.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Lehigh-S[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Superior # 1[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Hampden[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Superdie[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]812 Die Steel[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Triple Die[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]CNS-2[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]GSN F.M.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]12225[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]UltraDie-1[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Neor[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]D-3[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]D-4[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Grade 124[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]AT-2[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Atomodie 4[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]HYCC[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]CNS-3[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]GSN + MO[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Untradie-1M[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Crocar[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]D-4[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]D-5[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]FCC 66 & PRK-33[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Superior # 2[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Atomodie 5[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Aero 12-3[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]3 C Special[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Cobalt Chr. F.M.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]EK-81[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Ohio Die Cobalt[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]PRK 33[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]D-5[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]D-7[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Huron V[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]HYCV[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Truwear[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Br-4 F.M.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]ARS[/SIZE]
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I read the description of the steel in the links provided but I am still curious as to what the Darwin #1 in the upper right hand corner means. I don't have a clue as to how to read this chart.
I caught that "Super Steel" under the baseplate, too, and went for it. Alas, I go down in this Darwin's history as the guy who made the other one pay $660 for it.

Some day I'll snag a Deluxe...
I saw that and I appreciate it but I am no metallurgist. Is PRK33 to Cobalt as SPAM is to filet mignon? I have tried some google fu. It appears Darwin refers to Darwin and Milner Inc. which I believe was a steel company. It's in the middle of this page at this link...


This is a great link Shavin, very good insight on your question can be found here.



Bigfoot & Bagel aficionado.
I caught that "Super Steel" under the baseplate, too, and went for it. Alas, I go down in this Darwin's history as the guy who made the other one pay $660 for it.

Some day I'll snag a Deluxe...

:sad: Sorry you didn't win the bid, Andrew.

I promise to do a cheer for you when you land your Deluxe.


Bigfoot & Bagel aficionado.
I know your a collector of these rarities too.

Yes, I do love my Darwins.

This is a great link Shavin, very good insight on your question can be found here.

View attachment 370669

When ShavinBacon first posted about it, I was hoping that the different stamping on the base plate would help us pin down a year. Alas, that journal article is dated Oct. 1919, which is long before the first Darwin DE was produced. :sad:
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