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YES! Bought a custom M&F ButterScotch 2-Band Blonde Badger 27mm/50mm !

So I finally managed to order one of my favorite handle finishes, which I lacked in my small collection :thumbup:

An M&F 2-Band Blonde Badger 27mm knot, 50mm loft, and a nice ButterScotch Stubby 2XL handle.

Still awaiting its arrival - what can I expect ?

Any owners of an M&F ButterScotch in 2-Band Blonde Badger out there :biggrin1:

:001_cool: :001_cool: :001_cool: :001_cool:
I have an M&F 2-Band Blonde, but it's not Butterscotch. The hair used in them is amazing. VERY soft yet perfect backbone for some great face lathering. My M&F is definitely in my top 3, and I've got some top notch brushes if I do say so myself. ;)

Hopefully Mr. Sabini gets back to me this time around, as I've been e-mailing him for the past 4-6 weeks now with no luck. I've got some new ideas I'd like to see come about.

You should be VERY happy with the M&F though. They are some amazing brushes!

ETA: Jay / DrColossus, got your PM, can't reply though, your inbox is full!
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Yup. I own the 2 band blonde in butterscotch L7 handle It's a beauty.

The hair is soft, has nice backbone, releases lather and this is all from my experience with it this morning. It's one of my favourites. So much so, that I have the same knot coming in a FAN next week. My current one is a hybrid knot (fav/bulb)

I also had the 2XL handle and it's also a beauty.

What can you expect? To wonder why you waited this long to get one and what are you going to do with all those Manchurians and Finest you just bought :scared:

It's a fantastic knot and you are in for a treat
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When your brush arrives, remember your words to me regarding the Proraso Blue...pics or it did not happen! I love the butterscotch beauties!
I have an M&F 2-Band Blonde, but it's not Butterscotch. The hair used in them is amazing. VERY soft yet perfect backbone for some great face lathering. My M&F is definitely in my top 3, and I've got some top notch brushes if I do say so myself. ;)

Hopefully Mr. Sabini gets back to me this time around, as I've been e-mailing him for the past 4-6 weeks now with no luck. I've got some new ideas I'd like to see come about.

You should be VERY happy with the M&F though. They are some amazing brushes!

ETA: Jay / DrColossus, got your PM, can't reply though, your inbox is full!

I got lucky. I have tried mailing Lee for 4-5 weeks ago. Then emailed him yesterday, and got a response within 10-12 hours.

He send a pic of the brush sitting on his work desk and I asked for knot size and loft & that I was looking for a 2XL type handle.


Got his paypal account and transferred the DINERO to Lee, and he will send it Wednesday this week :thumbup:

It looks like a real beauty :001_wub:

I already own an M&F Blonde badger in 24 mm knot with 50 mm loft and a white stout pretty solid high quality handle, thanks to Jay (USCGME3) from VintageBlades - but have yet to test it (it's next in line though along my Semogue LE 2011 Finest badger 2 2-Band) and also got the M&F Stubby Medium Rooney Finest Hair 28 mm on its way to from the States - so I must shave more...... :001_cool:

Yup. I own the 2 band blonde in butterscotch L7 handle It's a beauty.

The hair is soft, has nice backbone, releases lather and this is all from my experience with it this morning. It's one of my favourites. So much so, that I have the same knot coming in a FAN next week. My current one is a hybrid knot (fav/bulb)

I also had the 2XL handle and it's also a beauty.

What can you expect? To wonder why you waited this long to get one and what are you going to do with all those Manchurians and Finest you just bought :scared:

It's a fantastic knot and you are in for a treat

Hey Bruce :001_smile

My Manchurian is cancelled due to that I think it will bloom too much in a Chubby 3 and I have second doubts about the hair quality compared to my favorite 2-band Simpson hair, which at the moment is pretty awesome fro the current batch of badgers.

My M&F Nedium Stubby Rooney Finest is on its way to me from the US as I write this.........hope customs will not delay it too much....

Congrats Claus, should be a beauty.

Thanks :biggrin1:


When your brush arrives, remember your words to me regarding the Proraso Blue...pics or it did not happen! I love the butterscotch beauties!

Hey Jay !

I will take some pics of it for sure - just have so many brushes coming in from different parts of the world - mostly from the US though, that I have a hard time getting to use my brushes more than once or twice at a time before I rotate them.......but that's a pretty nice little 'problem' to have :biggrin1:

Nice. I hope to see some photos when it arrives. :thumbup1:

For sure will take some pics - but I consider pre bloom pre clean pics a little untrue of how the brush really looks once it is cleaned, rinsed and have been used a couple of times. But I will take some pics pre bloom and post them and then post some post bloom pics after that.

I actually have received a pic of it from Lee S - will post once I get home from work (I'm at work right now, getting paid while posting about brushes on B&B. No wonder the world economy is going down....Ha...Ha :001_tt2: )
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Here is the photo I received from Lee S of it:

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Here is the photo I received from Lee S of it:

Our brushes are going to be twins separated at birth! I too ordered a brush with the same specifications from Lee S. on Friday 9/28/12. I am eagerly awaiting its shipment and will post pictures upon receipt. I suspect this will be the start of a long M&F SBAD :drool:.
Lee S. was very courteous in terms of being prompt and informative during our e-mail exchanges.
Our brushes are going to be twins separated at birth! I too ordered a brush with the same specifications from Lee S. on Friday 9/28/12. I am eagerly awaiting its shipment and will post pictures upon receipt. I suspect this will be the start of a long M&F SBAD :drool:.
Lee S. was very courteous in terms of being prompt and informative during our e-mail exchanges.

WoW - kind of excited about that......

Do you know if he ships them from England or the US ?

Cross my fingers for England, so I avoid paying yet another tax and duty fee of 25% :biggrin1:

Now I have an M&F Blonde Bagder in 24 mm, 27 mm, and a 30 mm - so I'm done for now.......that is until I order an M&F with this handle, pic courtesy of honored B&B member Vlad:



I hope Lee S can find some raw material that resembles that handle - would love a Blonde Badger 2-Band 25-26 mm knot/50-52 mm loft with that handle :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
I presume the M&F brushes are shipped from England. I get giddy when I ponder all the different permutations and combinations possible :drool::drool::drool:


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the come from england...at least my past ones have.

i've never been charged Duty or Taxes and always receive them quickly. simply packaging, nothing fancy, but they have always been perfect.
Claus, you have to think what to do with all your brushes when your Blonde arrives! You're not going to use them.

I love 'my orange Blondy'!

And a third M&F is en route. :drool:

Claus, you have to think what to do with all your brushes when your Blonde arrives! You're not going to use them.

I love 'my orange Blondy'!

And a third M&F is en route. :drool:


Holy crop, that's a beauty too :punk: :punk: :punk: :punk:

You really think it will beat my M&F Stubby Rooney Finest Hair 30mm 2-Band (Coming from the Us this week) and Rooney Heritage Stubby 2XL & 3XL flat out :001_cool:
And I already own a 24 mm 52 mm M&F Blonde Badher 2-Band with the white solid handle, that I simply has not cleaned and rinsed yet prior to its debut shave - but it's next in line after my Semogue LE 2011 Finest Badger 2 will have its debut for tonights shave :shaving:
I finally made contact with Lee! After almost 6 weeks, lol. We're trying to come up with a few unique brushes. He's gone some truly WEIRD stuff in stock. :blink:
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