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Yardley soap question

Fill in the blank

Yardley soap is avaliable for $1/bar at Dollar _________
choice in my area include
A Tree
B General
C Store

I can never remember which it is, and all are in different directions from me
Yardley also sells a fantastic cream here in India which makes real thick lather - I suspect they have the same formula as the soap - but adapted to be a cream !!
CVS near me also sells Yardley bath soap, but it's more than $1. I have no idea how much, as I've never purchased it.
Is the Yardley soap at the Dollar Store good for shaving?

In a word: no.

You won't be able to maintain a lather with a bath soap. It might be slick, but you won't get any protection. The result will likely be either weepers or razor burn.
It's a poor to mediocre shaving soap. There are worse soaps for shaving sold as shaving soaps, but I wouldn't use it (or them).
It's a poor to mediocre shaving soap. There are worse soaps for shaving sold as shaving soaps (COUGH**williams***COUGH), but I wouldn't use it (or them).

Fixed that for you.

I have to agree the Yardley bath soap is pretty horrible as a shaving soap. It's one of the ones I gave a whirl, when I was trying to find the diamond in the rough: a regular soap that performed wonderfully for purposes of shaving. I never found it, and gave up on the endevor.
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I was not actually planning to use it to shave with, just in the shower. I was kind of in a hurry and accidentally posted in the wrong forum.
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