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Yak wool

As my posts show, I love traditional, quality garments and have just bought a Nepalese "earflap" hat from Rampant Yak. I love it but haven't yet fieldtested it. Any thoughts on or experience of yakwool?
What an unusual and interesting thread. Keep us updated on how it works and compares to sheep wool.

Also, maybe askandy forums has some insight.
Thanks Sigman. Wore it out last night and it was Xly warm! Its not exactly a Brooks Bros. item...hippy chic or maybe something your cool granny'd make but it definitely works! I'm sure its not quite what the Plateau Nomads wear but it'll get me through a Scottish winter alright. (No pics as posting from my mobile)
i have a shawl collar cardigan made from himilayan yak wool. its warm when it wants to be. im not even kidding.

a hat is probably a different story though.
Not quite sure I understand that one, Doc. I suppose its all in the weave. I'm sure a yak tweed'd be a formidable cloth! I'd love to experiment with this material but don't know the right people in Glasgow. Seems like a bit of a niche product tho!
i have a shawl collar cardigan made from himilayan yak wool. its warm when it wants to be. im not even kidding.

a hat is probably a different story though.

Makes sense to me.
Wool has the incredible ability to regulate one towards body temp. It's very warm when you're cold and only moderately insulating when you're not so cold.

It'll be pretty cool when plastic fibers are as advanced as wool.

My wife wrote a primer on different types of wool. And of course the Glorius Scottish Steve will already know this treatise.

Yak wool? That's what my cat used to do on the living room carpet. :w00t: But seriously, my mom gave me a yak's wool hat for Christmas the year before last, and wouldn't ya know it, I left the damn thing in Canada without even trying it. She has one though and says it great. :thumbup1:
Aah! Mum's and woollens go together like summer afternoons and falling asleep. Go nowhere without the ability to wrap up warm, young man.
(have decided that I've been too long with the same avatar so I've changed it to this handsome beast.)
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