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that is some horsechit.... money laundering?? some other type of shenanigans??

who pays 1000$ for a 45$ stone??


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Because, my friend, our little corner of the internet isn't the only one susceptible to hype. And Norton barber hones have been hyped as the best by...

Competitive wood choppers and racing axe enthusiasts.

To be honest Nortons are just another barber hone, probably no better or worse than most of the others, but somehow they got the reputation of being "the best" among the axe guys.

And those guys compete for money...
That's not just a $45 hone. It's the king of all hones....at least for axe guys. According to some, it puts a scary sharp edge on razors too. I'm hanging on to mine for awhile.
That's not just a $45 hone. It's the king of all hones....at least for axe guys. According to some, it puts a scary sharp edge on razors too. I'm hanging on to mine for awhile.

then i have a million dollars worth of stones in my living room....
Same reasoning Frictionite 00 Barber's hone are pushing $300 these days. I've sold 2 of those on eBay and both ended up in Australia, with one of the buyer's eBay id along the lines of Ax_man

Hype is all it is.
Not very different from Escher or Charnley Forest.

(The funny thing is that I recall seeing evidence from an old price sheet of coticules costing more than Eschers back in the day as well as writings calling Charnley Forest hones an acceptable but lesser substitute for fine Arkansas stones. Coticules and Arkansas stones were historically very highly prized.)
I saw one about a year ago go for about $450. I thought that was crazy then. This is totally ridiculous. Oh yea I forgot to mention those raven barber hones are a steal for only $300. I have one if anyone is interested. :lol::lol::lol:
You know, whatever it takes to get an "edge up"... lol! Even if it is in your own mind lol.

Heck I think we as a group might be calling the tea kettle black here. Look at some of us spending a ton on Jnats, German slate and the like. Heck! How many stops do you have lol? I mean one peice of leather should do it no? For that matter, how many razors does a man really need lol?

When I think of how much $ I have dropped for a "mere" shave, :blushing: all I can say is go ax-man lol!!

I love it!!!
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