Not to deride people choices in razors but I do not think a Hoffritz warrants a $113 price. Evidently, some people evidently feel so I'm for their purchase if it makes them happy.
Indeed and it still is in excellent condition. It is high on my rotation list as it gives a damned fine shave.
Ebay is so hit and miss. I just bought a nice little Henkel razor, Stypic stick holder, blade case and a chrome mirror in a good condition small leather case for UK2.95
whereas one in a little bit better condition, and better photo, went for $102.50
I just scored this little Hoffritz travel Razor for $10.99 plus $4.95 shipping.
The pictures stunk, the auction closed at 10:30 AM, so little competition for snipers. The case is nice and the razor seems to be in OK condition. But it is hard to tell if that is brassing along the head, or reflection. Either way, it looks like it is in usable condition. I am not looking for a museum peice, just something to say I have a Hoffritz and will use occasionally so if it is a little brassy, I do not care.
My guess is if the seller took a better picture and closed it at a better hour, he could have made a few more bucks.