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Worth restoring ?

I was at an antique shop today and I saw two 1930's gold plated open comb Gillettes for sale, and since I intend to get an open comb some day I figured I'd get one and have it replated. The one I prefer has a ball shaped screw on the handle but there are some seams on the handle that look like they've been caused by wear and tear and I'm worried they may become splits or cracks. Am I over thinking this or should I play it safe and get the other one with the thicker handle that screws off?, at the end of the day I want to make use of the razor from time to time not leave it locked away like an ornament.
Sounds like you might be talking about one ball-end and one bar-handled Gillette NEW there. The ball-end handles are particularly prone to cracks, so if you see anything like a "seam" it's almost certainly a crack that just hasn't grown into a split yet. I've seen cracked bar handles, but they're way less common a problem.

Personally, I wouldn't buy a standard NEW with the thought of replating it. The replating will almost certainly cost you more than just finding a good clean original example. They're really fairly easy to come by. Depending on what they're asking for them at the shop, it still might be worth picking one up to try out so you can decide whether or not it's even a razor that you'd like first.
The bar handle was in way better nick the gold plating is almost completely intact except for the cap which has turned copper orange I'll have a look online and see if there is a better example out there
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