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worlds smallest strop? LOL

Just had to share this thing I saw on eBay

Stropping surface of approximately 5 inches.....in case anyone wants to change their routine from 50 relaxing laps to 200 frustrating ones :lol:

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
I tried honing one of those Barber and Beauty razors and never got an edge up to my standards on it. It would shave, but just. More of a neck trimming razor than a face razor if you ask me.

The midget strop actually has possibilities as a travel strop, though. I could see using it for a few days on a road trip or something.
Maybe it's a barber's strop for cutting hair, not shaving. In France, a local barber cuts my longish hair with a straight razor. 1 or 2 laps on a small Soligen loom strop laden with black paste and he's ready to start cutting.
Gamma, interesting....maybe I've just not looked around enough. I seem to gravitate towards the larger ones when I'm looking

Willie's is not much longer.
I'd say even the shorter of the two in that video looks twice as long as this thing
I had a 300x40mm vintage hanging strop from austria WWI era. The leather was stupidly thick. Like 7-9mm.... and nice, but the hardware was horribly designed and the linen was thick, coarse and crappy and sewed to the leather, so the leather cupped and got chewed up by stropping even if you didn't make any mistakes. Had never seen a smaller hanging strop than that before.
I've got a smaller strop - part of an old straight razor travel kit owned by my great grandfather, it's maybe a little longer than that but is about 1.5 inches wide and 30cm long. Just a simple, smooth piece of leather (I've no idea what animal it came from, it's very light in colour) and a ring at either end
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