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Words and Phrases that really annoy

Eben Stone

Staff member
People that call their kid bro or brah.
Sarah Silverman Eww GIF by HULU
People that call their kid bro or brah. My niece called her daughter bro when we were at a birthday party. I groaned and my wife nudged me. I didn’t realize I had done it.

Wouldn’t ”bro/brah” be short for “brother”? Wouldn’t “sis” be more appropriate…gender-wise at least?
Wouldn’t ”bro/brah” be short for “brother”? Wouldn’t “sis” be more appropriate…gender-wise at least?
Dudddddddeeeeee. Everyone is bro or Brah regardless of gender. We need to spill the tea on this. When we go to something with younger family members I have to google half of what they say to understand it.
my grandson calls both Granny and me bruh.
Okay that would bug me.
Gee I'm going to sound like a grumpy old man here but I sort of wish kids these days still had some respect, for anyone at all, not just their elders. And this is coming from one who is still young enough to be referred to by middle aged people as one of the "kids these days". But, I've always been old fashioned like that, and that's why I shave with vintage razors. Now get off my lawn. :biggrin1:

My personal pet peeves are the people who refer to a Cummins turbo diesel engine as a "Cummings," and of course all the other classics like "could care less" and "irregardless".
When people say hung when they should say hanged. An episode of Sherlock Holmes with Cumberbatch as Holmes when something like this:
Do you think I'll get hung Mr. Holmes?
No, I think you'll get hanged.

Also when someone says "I seen".
Okay that would bug me.
Gee I'm going to sound like a grumpy old man here but I sort of wish kids these days still had some respect, for anyone at all, not just their elders. And this is coming from one who is still young enough to be referred to by middle aged people as one of the "kids these days". But, I've always been old fashioned like that, and that's why I shave with vintage razors. Now get off my lawn. :biggrin1:

My personal pet peeves are the people who refer to a Cummins turbo diesel engine as a "Cummings," and of course all the other classics like "could care less" and "irregardless".
My niece called her mother B. Never anything else and it bugged me bad. Now her daughter calls her dad by his first name. It drives my wife insane. I don’t get it, but nothing I say would make a difference. They allow it.
When people say hung when they should say hanged. An episode of Sherlock Holmes with Cumberbatch as Holmes when something like this:
Do you think I'll get hung Mr. Holmes?
No, I think you'll get hanged.

Also when someone says "I seen".
Completely agree, but no one seems to know these days that the correct word is hanged.

Unless used very ironically-- and I personally know that is not a proper use of the word ironically!--I seen certainly grates.

Bro/brah, that is young people's talk. I do not get a vote.
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Also when someone says "I seen".
I'm guilty of that on occasion. Depends on the company I'm with and the conversational context I think. It's quite common here with certain rural types, sort of a regional thing I guess. "When in Rome" you know...
I realize that doesn't mean it is correct or proper though. 😂
I'm guilty of that on occasion. Depends on the company I'm with and the conversational context I think. It's quite common here with certain rural types, sort of a regional thing I guess. "When in Rome" you know...
I realize that doesn't mean it is correct or proper though. 😂
That is completely fair, and I do not think it would grate for me in that context. "My people" after all!
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