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Winter Time At Badger and Blade

I'm really sorry to hear alex, how did you mess up your ankle?

edit: when i was younger i played a lot of soccer, and i have sprained both my ankles a few times, so much that i have to pop them at least once a day. Luckily i have never broke them.
I had a heavy object fall on it....[ i really can not disclose any more details as per my lawyers orders].

Wow, both ankles at same time must really put a hinder on all of your activities.
I appreciate all your warm kindness, but dont tell me that you can withstand few months of not moving around:001_unsur, not many athletic types can.....i think i am going to go loco.:blink:

Yeah it sucks. I would focus on getting a sweat any way you can. Dips, pull ups, chin ups, one legged push-ups, anything. Cardio will be difficult but if you stay in that training mentality, it won't be as hard to get back to when you're fully recovered.
Building a new set of golf clubs this winter. It's sort of like DE shaving where it SHOULD save you money, but it really costs you more since you build new ones far too often.
I had a friend of mine out grow his smith machine (since it maxes at 300 pounds and he, quite frankly, is a monster) and he gave it to me, so I have a really nice weight setup in my detached garage now. I do have a small space heater for if it gets below 30, but so far so good.

This has been a banner 12 months, I went from 285 and sedentary to 213 and a 5 days per week exercising person. I ran a lot this summer, but winter in Cleveland may cut into some of that, so I will be focusing on strength training while the snow blows.

Chess and spaghetti eating while wearing snow shoes sounds like a blast!
We are in the big freeze in Wyoming with this last winter storm Cleon. -15 overnight. Some places have been -25 without the windchill! That's just crazy! Planning on a nice roaring fire and a pasta dinner tonight.
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