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Williams Soap Question

I bought a puck of Williams soap yesterday. I use Williams frequently as I think it's a pretty good quality soap in my opinion.

When I opened the box, I noticed that the outer portion of the puck was orange and the middle was an off white color. I've used probably 20 pucks of Williams I. My life and never seen this color scheme. It has always been a milky white color.

Any ideas what caused this? Normal or not? Are they changing the formulation?

With respect.
I feel like I have seen dull hints of orange in my pucks of Williams. I still have a box with a new puck in it at home, I can check the box for ingredients and place of manufacture. I think this is probably fine though.
It is possible your puck is very old. I had a puck of Williams that was off white with a darker edge and when grated there were no flakes but crumbs. It worked as good as a fresh one.
By the way, I badmouthed Williams when I first used one but quickly changed my mind and now I enjoy it. Great soap.
Maybe the box has been opened multiple times by potential buyers? Or perhaps it was damp at some point and dried out? I'm guessing here.
I'll have to look at the two that are under the sink waiting to be used. But, I would not be surprised to find that they are no longer the original colour. As stated above, this should not effect performance.
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