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Will you stop or keep going?

As far as i am now concerned i have all the vintage razors i have wanted to try so not looking any more (i say this without actually proving it yet), what about you, have you got what you want and will stop, will you forever look out for the old razors, do you want a version of every razor out there, from my point of view if i bought any more i would not use them, perhaps clean them up and put them on here for someone else but for me i dont now need to try any new ones, though if i collected them i am way off target.
I'm already slowing down, but I just started at the beginning of Sept. Counting inbound razors, I think I'm very near 30 now. There are some specific (not uncommon) razors I still want to add. After that, It'll probably be the more collectible variety, and I doubt I'll feel the need for multiples of those, so I will probably stop (or slow WAY down) eventually.
I just started wet-shaving about 3 weeks ago, but I've already got 3 razors (2 Vintage Gillette Superspeeds and a new Merkur HD). I thought the 1951 Superspeed would be the last one I would get, since it's the earliest Superspeed that I had been looking for, but now, I realize that I want to find an even older, really cool razor or a Gillette British Aristocrat (if anyone has one they're willing to sell, let me know!). Oh, or I want what I've mentioned in my signature...a cool vintage Gillette Superspeed with it's matching case. So, once I find that ideal "old" vintage razor that I'm looking for or the aristocrat or the vintage Gillette SS with matching case, then I'll be done, because I do know that I don't want to have so many razors in my collection that some of them never get touched.
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I started out buying lots as large as I could because there were so many I didn't have. Now I'm being more selective. Still buying lots when I can, and hoping the sales of my duplicates will help offset the price of the one or two razors in that lot that I really wanted.
And then lately I've been on a weird and wild kick. Buying just about any razor that is an oddball. Oscillating blades, a tiny folding razor, a razor (partial razor right now) held together by a magnet.
A lot of the fun is the journey of exploration. That said, certain thing's I've pretty much nailed down (DE, Brush, A/S, ASB) while others I keep trying whatever I can find (blades, SC, Soaps).
How many and what kinds of razors do you own? How do they compare to each other?

2 gillette tech, very gentle,2 brit techs a bit more aggressive, fatboy & adjustable great shavers and as mild or aggressive as you wish, 49 ss always gives a good shave, president as yet unused, aristocrat unused waiting for a ladies and red tip to arrive, 2 evereadys unused yet, 2 valors unused yet, 2 rolls unused yet, 2 schicks early days on this, a feather again a mild razor but the long handle is nice to use, and a progress and futur which again are superb razors, they all have different qualities the adjustables to me give me the closer shaves as do the merkurs but the techs and ss are razors which give easy shaves! i think everyone who has a few razors can give different views to what i just said and this is the fun of shaving as we are all different and what suits 1 wont suit another:lol:
i'm gonna start slowing down my ebay purchases. I got one in the mail today and have 3 others on the way. I like collecting them but I have to be realistic about my bank account being bled dry, otherwise i'll wind up in the poor house. however, I won't rule out cheap antique store finds in the future
I have definitely gotten more picky as I narrow it down to what exactly I'm looking for in each category of equipment. I don't think I'll ever completely stop, though.

For example, the only thing I've made up my mind on for sure is that I prefer boar brushes over badger. That hasn't stopped me from building a rotation of four boar brushes (two Semogues on the way), and I have a couple more on my wishlist.
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This is quite a wonderful thread. I have been at this since May 2008 and am now only starting to slow down. There are a few razors I still want and I too will continue to visit flea markets and antique shops for whatever goodies may be in store. I still get great pleasure looking at the collection, choosing a razor the night before for the next morning's shave, admiring members' finds, and visiting this forum. Cheers.
Funny you ask. Just last night I posted a want ad on craigslist for people's old razors. I figure I can clean them up and resell them on the BST, but I might run across one I like well enough to keep for myself too. I'm pretty satisfied with my SS, so I'm probably done... but who knows.


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
I've slowed way down but when I'm walking around a flea market, garage sale, or antique store there are a few things I'm always looking for, razors being one of them. I just can't help myself.
I still like to buy them if I see them. It's the thrill of the hunt, to walk into a place a find lots of cool razors. Although I've trimmed down what I'm looking for, mostly Fatboys/slims and 1932 Tech razors. I find the shaves I get from these razors very good. I also like the late 1940's, early 1950's Super Speeds. But I pass on Gillettes from the very late 1960s, early 1970s all the way up to the 1980s. Also if a razor is $5 or less and in pretty good shape, I will usually buy them too. I've found loads in the last 4 months, and almost all of them were between $2-$5.
I got 4:

1959 Fatboy
1962 slim Adjustable
1958 SS redtip
1940's SS (this is on it's way)

OK, I'm done, I feel the RAD leaving my body. Only to be replaced by SSAD.
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