There is a new "Swede" in different packaging that is a lot like the old one (though not exactly the same), but it's only available in a few European countries.
Looks like you have a new import/export business to tend to, Jan Pieter...
They moved to Russia for production right?
But so are 7 O'clocks.
I would like to see some again!
Ahh, the Book of Remembrance, I know it well."Swedes" have become another entry in the Traditional Shaving Book Of Remembrance, I'm afraid. And I barely have twenty years worth.
If only ... unfortunately these blades are not available in my country (neither were the original "Swedes", by the way). As far as I know, they are for sale in Scandinavia and in some southern European countries. The blades I tried were a gift from Denmark.
Yes we have them here in Sweden
They are the only ones avalable at the local supermarket, $5.08 for 5 so they are not that cheap.