I see on B&Bs database there is something there that looks like a Senator, with this note:
( Notes of Interest: The razor is also identical to the Regent Tech with the only difference being the packaging. )
On Mr-rasors web site, for a 1940 Regent Tech I see a beautiful unnotched (Aristocrat looking) razor with the early style handle and no end caps.
http://www.j-duwe.de/Rasierer/One-Piece solid guard bar/1941 Aristocrat in Regent Tech Case.jpg
I find myself hoping that mr-razor is right, for it is his listing, I find more appealing to the eye.
( Notes of Interest: The razor is also identical to the Regent Tech with the only difference being the packaging. )
On Mr-rasors web site, for a 1940 Regent Tech I see a beautiful unnotched (Aristocrat looking) razor with the early style handle and no end caps.
http://www.j-duwe.de/Rasierer/One-Piece solid guard bar/1941 Aristocrat in Regent Tech Case.jpg
I find myself hoping that mr-razor is right, for it is his listing, I find more appealing to the eye.