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Why use a heavy razor?

I've noticed a trend that many people prefer heavier razors. Some of these razors are even named to highlight their weight as a feature, the names Fatboy and Hefty come to mind.

Shavers using these razors often say that they rely on the weight of the razor to do most of the work.

I have never used a heavy razor (Gillette Tech, Gillette Slim), but I don't see why I would want to either. Perhaps a heavier razor may make it easier for shaving my face, but I think this would be far outweighed by added difficulty of shaving the neck.

Roughly speaking, the grain of the hair is vertical and down on my face and horizontally to the right on my neck. If I shaved my neck with a heavier razor, I now have extra weight to balance while holding the blade sideways for WTG passes. The heavier razor isn't making my job any easier.

Any thoughts? Is there something I missed?
I find balance to be actually easier with a heavier razor.
Really light handled razors tend to be top heavy, and there's little wiggle room for finding the sweet spot.
I am working through my razors at the moment after geting a bad rad and after using some light razors eg tech, ss, lady gillette this week i thought i would try out a aristocrat which is the heaviest so far and i like the results as i have found a heavy razor does make it easier to use as the extra weight means a better cut.
I am working through my razors at the moment after geting a bad rad and after using some light razors eg tech, ss, lady gillette this week i thought i would try out a aristocrat which is the heaviest so far and i like the results as i have found a heavy razor does make it easier to use as the extra weight means a better cut.

My Rotbart 2000 has a heavy head. This suits me fine, but then I am a big fat guy with big fat hands :wink2:
In one word, momentum. It's like driving a 70's Cadilac instead of a new Honda on a bumpy road. The heavy razor feels more steady, it's quieter with less vibration but that's just my experience.


The heavier a razor is, the easier it is for me to use no pressure. That way I get little to no irritation.
The heavier a razor is, the easier it is for me to use no pressure. That way I get little to no irritation.

Same here. After seeing the light on heavier razors I have taken my first razor, a Merkur 23c, and stuffed the hollow handle full of .177 caliber air rifle pellets. Made a world of difference for me - I am actually using it again after having given up on it.
I find the Tech and Slim to be heavy enough razors. You can consider them heavy compared to Bic disposables. In the disposable I think you find what people dislike in a "lightweight" razor.

- Chris
I prefer heavier, thicker handled razors. My hands shake slightly if I have to squeeze too thin a handle or don't have enough weight in them to counteract this. A New was a bit too thin and light for me, but a Tuckaway works just fine. Even with pretty big hands, the short handle of the Tuckaway works wonderfully.
When it comes to safety razors I seem to be the opposite of the consensus. I prefer lighter weight razors. Big guys were at one time my favorite (Merkur HD Barber Pole, Bostonian/Richwood/etc.).

My preference now is for the lighter razors, especially the GEM 1900/1901 Lather Catchers. As for DEs, the lighter Tech was always a favorite.

Of the five workable straights i have I happen to prefer the two heaviest, but I don't know if that's *because* they are the heaviest or because they shave better for other reasons I don't yet appreciate.
I also prefer a lighter razor. I still use heavier razors. In fact, I love my Big Fellow and my Futur. They both give great shaves but if I had to choose I would stick with an aluminum Tech.
It's like driving a 70's Cadilac instead of a new Honda on a bumpy road. The heavy razor feels more steady, it's quieter with less vibration but that's just my experience.

You beat me to this analogy.

Too light a razor may tend to skip and not be very stable, encouraging you to use pressure.

On the other hand, a razor that's too heavy is just cumbersome.

So far, the lightest razor that works for me is the Super Speed. The heavy end is probably the HD, although I'm trying to give my blue handled 38C a fair shot.
A heavier razor makes it easier to shave whit.
If the razor his too light you would be tempt to put pressure,
on the other hand a heavier one would do the work without putting pressure
resulting in a less irritant shave.
Well, that's my opinion.
interesting thread!

I've been fortunate recently and have come into possession of three very nice aluminum TTOs - a #58, a #66, and an aluminum HD.

I have to say that I get at least as good shaves from these lightweights as I do from their heavy twins. And maybe better.

I've traded away a bull mastiff - as wonderful as it was, I found it too heavy - and I haven't used my Big Fellas in some months (I think I'll take one for a spin tomorrow...).

Must be that it is just easier for me to maneuver the light razors.

(Maybe I need to do a side-by-side comparison... new blades, lightweight v. heavyweight... FACE-OFF!!!!)

Right now I think I'm falling into the lightweight camp here... at least until I fall back out!
interesting thread!

I've been fortunate recently and have come into possession of three very nice aluminum TTOs - a #58, a #66, and an aluminum HD.

I have to say that I get at least as good shaves from these lightweights as I do from their heavy twins. And maybe better.

I've traded away a bull mastiff - as wonderful as it was, I found it too heavy - and I haven't used my Big Fellas in some months (I think I'll take one for a spin tomorrow...).

Must be that it is just easier for me to maneuver the light razors.

(Maybe I need to do a side-by-side comparison... new blades, lightweight v. heavyweight... FACE-OFF!!!!)

Right now I think I'm falling into the lightweight camp here... at least until I fall back out!
:eek: Never say "face off" in the context of shaving... :wink2:... :biggrin:

gone down south

I've found that the 'optimal amount of pressure' is easier to get with a heavy razor. With a lighter razor, I have to push down slightly to reach that optimal point and it's easy to overdo. With the heavier razor, I actually hold the weight back a bit ('negative pressure') and the worst that happens is I end up using too little pressure and need to do a touchup afterwards.
I found as my skill improved that handle length and weight became less of an issue.
When I 1st returned to the DE razor I preferred longer handles, this was probably due to the fact that the cartridge razors I was used to had longer handles.
Once my skill improve I found that 3 to 3 1/4 inches was the sweet spot for me.
I find that balance is more important to me then total weight, but I do believe a razor can be too heavy.
The heavier a razor is, the easier it is for me to use no pressure. That way I get little to no irritation.


I started with a heavy razor (38c) and have struggled when trying to shave with lighter razors. As odd as it sounds I feel the need to apply pressure more so with a light razor because it doesn't feel nearly as close as a heavier razor does.
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