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Why, this Diamine Ink looks just like ________ !

:w00t: I just discovered that Diamine Delamere Green looks just like Pilot Iroshizuku Shin-ryoku. I love the latter, but I'm loathe to pay the asking price again. These two inks even look the same when blotted on a paper towel from similar-sized nibs. They behave similarly on Rhodia paper. Another example of this is Diamine Havasu Turquoise and Visconti Turquoise. The Diamine may be just a touch darker, and I prefer that.

There are a lot of wonderful, but expensive, inks out there, so I'm always happy when I find a Diamine replacement for an ink I like. Has anyone else stumbled upon inks that are, for all intents and purposes, identical?


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One of our friendly B&B enablers mentioned Taizo's ink deal to me a while ago, but it's still pretty expensive ink, per ml (Pilot: 50ml, Diamine: 80ml). I'd also have to order a lot of ink all at once. The same thing applies to Edelstein inks, regarding cost per ml.

Ever on the lookout for a bargain, I was just curious if anyone had first-hand knowledge of less expensive inks that are good replacements for the really pricy inks. And by "good replacement," I don't just meant the color. I was surprised how well behaved Delamere green seems to be. It doesn't just look like Shin-ryoku. It acts like Shin-ryoku. In contrast, Diamine Apple Glory is extremely wet and feathers more than any other ink I've used, no matter what pen it's in. Not all Diamine inks are created equal, but most seem to be really good.

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