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Why my wife hates me....

Why? Is it because you won't spend enough on shaving gear? :confused:

My wife would be thrilled if that's all I had. In fact, she would be thrilled if that's all I kept out by the sink :tongue:
It's not the gear, and that's just a fraction...:redface:...it's conversations like this....

"Honey, watcha doin?"

"I'm framing some razor blades, dearest."

"Why, honeybunch?"

"Well, darling, I think they look nice, and that way our guest can gaze at them while they pee."

"Sweatheart, does the Veteran's Administration cover this sort of mental disorder, because you are missing a few pineapples from your pizza."

"Yes, dear."
Just tell her there is a forum of 13,000 other guys just like you who are interested in the same thing and that you talk everyday!

Then, if your wife is like mine, she'll cite the number of schizophrenics in the U.S. and tell you that technically, we all could be insane...
I think a better title for this thread is "Why my wife loves me and doesn't think I'm stark raving mad"

Nice gear and I think that's the first time I've seen blades in a frame. Good stuff...
I dont think she hates you!

She hates the fact that you might spent more time on those blades then on her.

This happens often, that is something that happens to me a lot . I just try to do my best and make the best of the situation.

That is a great idea though! Did you use a picture frame to do this?

Also, I notice you have two brushes. I am not knowledgeable on brushes. Which ones are they?

Thank you for your interesting post.

My girlfriend thinks I am a little odd, but that I smell good.
She is starting to like Clubman.

And she has also taken to using a Krona at her place, and my Red Tip when she comes over to mine.

She really likes the red tip. I'm in love. :001_tt1:
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