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Who's crazy..... Or what's wrong with people?

$60+ for a Tech??

I have about a half dozen NOS in box or case that I got for $9.99 or less.

BTW, the title is meant in jest. I know these things are worth what someone is willing to spend on them.


My elbows leak
Staff member
I agree with you.
But it seems there are enough folks out there that think this is a good deal to keep some of our more infamous E-Bay sellers alive and kicking.
Disposable income doesn't mean you should throw it away!! :lol:
Well...it's "Super shinny" according to the seller...whatever that means :biggrin1:

This is just someone who thinks because it is old it is super rare and valuable.
No harm, no foul.
Well...it's "Super shinny" according to the seller...whatever that means :biggrin1:

This is just someone who thinks because it is old it is super rare and valuable.
No harm, no foul.

I totally agree with you on that, but it pains me to see what some of these things go for. I mean I probably have 5 or 6 NOS Tech's for less than someone spent on this one incomplete set.
Well...it's "Super shinny" according to the seller...whatever that means :biggrin1:

This is just someone who thinks because it is old it is super rare and valuable.
No harm, no foul.

I totally agree with you on that, but it pains me to see what some of these things go for. I mean I probably have 5 or 6 NOS Tech's for less than someone spent on this one incomplete set.

Using the willing buyer and willing seller theory, it is worth $60. Does that mean the new owner can flip it and at least get his money back . . . probably not. That one is too far above market for that to happen!! He probably wanted it for a particular reason and was willing to pay the $$.

If the day ever comes that $60 is the true market price for a Gold Tech & case, the Fats will be over $300 for sure!!

Gee, could my razor collection out-perform my 401(k)?? :thumbup1:
I agree with you.
But it seems there are enough folks out there that think this is a good deal to keep some of our more infamous E-Bay sellers alive and kicking.
Disposable income doesn't mean you should throw it away!! :lol:
Oh, I think this one has a spot reserved with the rest of the infamous (or is it "notorious"?). In this case, Li'l Miss Brit went fishing, and landed one. But did you check out the rest of her bait? A very nice looking New Standard, but in some wooden mirrored jewelery box looking thing, "~ Nearly Mint & Very shinny ~" "This would probably go for more $$ on auction or with an original case as bidding can run high on excellent condition razors that are more rare. .so don' mis your chance now or let this get away for less."

Less, yeah, right. BIN $115. This Lady is a Pro (and I don't nec. mean that in a nice way).

I'd spotted the above a day or two ago. Hey, maybe someone will bite here too.

Then there's the minty Shell pattern ABC in an Empire box (no blade case). BIN $189. And a '46-'47 Aristocrat- listed as such, she's either done her research or is being coached- (cased, blade box, correct type- maybe?) BIN also $189.

But hey, if she asks it, and someone wants to pay it, who am I to argue? The world is full of lazy people (not researching the market) who see and want shiny stuff. She may actually sell some more!
Gotta love The Shat.

Hopefully Techs will never actually sell for this much. Truthfully, nothing on eBay suprises me though.


But it just did! Yes, I know what you mean. :001_smile:001_smile
After 18 years in the retail segment of the automobile industry I can tell you the sad truth is.... "there is a fool for every seat on the lot"!!
I also track various items on Ebay and am astonished at what some items sell for. I have learned over the years to find good info before purchasing and ask others that have the same interests that I do before buying anything in a new venue. Unfortunetly there are still millions of folks out there that have more money (or credit) than brains and we can't change that !! Thank all of you for being here and available to answer the questions so many of us have.
Happy Shaves !!!:a21:
You would think in the age of the internet, people would do a little research and see that the deal is lousy. Ah well, their loss.
Then there's the minty Shell pattern ABC in an Empire box (no blade case). BIN $189. And a '46-'47 Aristocrat- listed as such, she's either done her research or is being coached- (cased, blade box, correct type- maybe?) BIN also $189.

But hey, if she asks it, and someone wants to pay it, who am I to argue? The world is full of lazy people (not researching the market) who see and want shiny stuff. She may actually sell some more!

But it just did! Yes, I know what you mean. :001_smile:001_smile

She's being coached. :001_rolle

She does have some nice stuff and wants to be accurate in her descriptions. But she doesn't know the value of razors yet. I see she already dropped the price of one razor by about 30%. Plus she does have a make a bid on everything.

I believe part of the value is not only the pristine condition of the razor, but of the case as well. These old cases are hard to find in such nice condition. So I do not think the buyer overpaid really.
I believe part of the value is not only the pristine condition of the razor, but of the case as well. These old cases are hard to find in such nice condition. So I do not think the buyer overpaid really.

Well, that makes me feel better. I had always felt that I had been a bit impetuous when I spent $40 for this set:

And to think,just a few years back the razor would probably have been dumped.:001_rolle Sometimes I think we are our own worst enemies.:lol:
While not quite as extravagant as this weebay example, there are some highly unrealistic offers here in B/S/T as well...:lol:


I got a nice nickel fat handled tech off B/S/T a year ago for $14. When I sold it, I priced it at $12. Now for this condition even on the B/S/T here it is at least over $20.
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