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Whoa! New learning curve on a Gem?

Can someone PLEASE give me any suggestions on the best way to shave with a Micromatic?

I didn't cut my face up this badly on my first shave. Six wheepers and a knick! :mad3:

I was so pumped up to shave with a Gem for the first time and everything was perfect save the shave. I didn't have any trouble on the rest of my face but I had a lot of trouble around my lips and my chin. The face of the razor is so flat and large there is no way I can go with the grain on my upper lip. Thoughts? Suggestions? I'm shaving with the head of the razor flat against my face, or trying to at least. Anyone else who's used a Gem encountered this problem?:confused1
the razor head dosent go flat against the face. have it just off the face.

if youre having trouble going WTG on the upper lip go XTG.
Shaving around the lips and shaving the chin just requires you be very deliberate and take your time. It comes with practice very quickly. You just have to practice. Once you get the hang of it, the GEMs easily provide BBS shaves.

-- John Gehman
Shaving around the lips and shaving the chin just requires you be very deliberate and take your time. It comes with practice very quickly. You just have to practice. Once you get the hang of it, the GEMs easily provide BBS shaves.

-- John Gehman
the razor head dosent go flat against the face. have it just off the face.

if youre having trouble going WTG on the upper lip go XTG.


When shaving my upper lip with my Gem Micromatic Clog Pruf, I make a tight "O" with my mouth. This will stretch the skin on your upper lip, and pull it farther away from your nose. I do a gingerly with the grain pass, but get most of my upper lip shaved with the across the grain pass (especially the area right under my nostrils).

Shaving around the lips and shaving the chin just requires you be very deliberate and take your time. It comes with practice very quickly. You just have to practice. Once you get the hang of it, the GEMs easily provide BBS shaves.

-- John Gehman


You've really got to take your time and be very deliberate in your strokes. The best shave I've ever had was with a GEM 1912.
which micromatic is it?

It's the Glog Pruf in brass. Absolutely beautiful razor and in wonderful shape.

Thanks for the encouragement and words of wisdom guys. I was under the impression that with the Gems I was supposed to hold the head flat against my face (Don't know where that came from).

I'll heal up for a day then give it another shot tomorrow
Regarding the "flat on your face" advice, Gem gave conflicting instructions.

I definitely do not have it flat on my face (way too much "suction"/drag). Do very gentle, short strokes at an angle that lets you hear the whiskers being cut.

Good luck!

- Chris
I use a Treet gem with thick black handle n ss gem blades..start out by having the head flat against yer face..by the bottom handle area go down nice n slow..same going up..nice n slow..use as little pressure as you can while holding by the BOTTOM of the handle area
Well I gave it another shot last night and although I did have more weepers, 10 in total, it was actually a better shave, very smooth and acceptable. I ended up only having 2 pieces of t.p. stuck to my fact afterwards. I just need a little more practice.

Boy, you sure do have to be ginger with this razor as opposed to the much more forgiving Gillette Tech I usually use.

I can't help but feel that perfecting my technique with a Gem will make me a much, much better technical shaver.
This should help. I love my Micromatics, particularly the open comb. I think the grip is the most important part of getting good results with the Micromatic. I've been thinking about making a short video showing my grip, maybe if there's enough interest I'll get going on it.


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Lots of great tips - if I may, I will add one that worked for me ..

As a youth I had used both DE's & Schicks, then of course the cartridges, but the GEM's never made it into my hands until about a year ago. When I first started mucking around with the GEMs, I would buy one, try one (time), be less than satisfied & quit for a month. Repeat the process.

I finally shaved a solid week with one & that made all the difference. Pick a week where if it isn't perfect it doesn't matter & do it every day with the same setup. There is now always one GEM in my current rotation, the last couple weeks the duty is on a Micromatic Open Comb.
Cool, I'll see if I can find some time this weekend to mess around with the video camera a little.
Garyg also has a great suggestion, do a week and get a little better every shave. My first SE was a Micromatic, so I got used to it pretty quick. When I found a nice 1912 model, I was so excited to try it out since most of the guys here at the time (probably still now too) consider the 1912 to be the superior model. The angle is just different enough that I had absolutely terrible shaves with it. I did the same thing, one bad shave, put it away for a month, another bad shave, another month... One day I decided that there was way to many people who liked the 1912, it had to be something I was doing wrong. I spent a week and mastered the 1912! I still much prefer the Micromatic, but now I can get great shaves from the other Gems as well. I've been going through all my "unusable" razors as I have the time and spending a week with them to see if I can get them down.
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