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Whoa. Fethabrush.

I just saw something that blew my mind. A Fethabrush.

It's a shaving brush that's made out of feathers instead of badger or boar hairs. I would have thought it was some off-the-wall product from a small manufacturer, but the the handle looked to be of very good quality and the NOS sample had a cardboard sleeve around the handle that indicated it was from the American Safety Razor Corporation, or ASR.

Funny, I thought it was a shuttlecock for a split second. Anyone know anything about this brush? It sure felt weird.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Is there a link or pictures of the item?

The only thing that Google give me are either paintbrushes or make up brushes... Shaving brush? Nope...
I see there's some interest about it. The only way I'll be able to post pics is if I buy it from the antique store.

Let me think if it's worth spending ten bucks for this curiosity. If I decide to get it I will definitely post pics.

I have a feeling the concept was short lived, given there's so little information on the web.
I see there's some interest about it. The only way I'll be able to post pics is if I buy it from the antique store.

Let me think if it's worth spending ten bucks for this curiosity. If I decide to get it I will definitely post pics.

I have a feeling the concept was short lived, given there's so little information on the web.

Can't you take a picture in the shop ? Dream up some story of getting SWMBO's approval or some such.
Let me think if it's worth spending ten bucks for this curiosity. If I decide to get it I will definitely post pics.


Well - I found this brush in Seattle - it must be the one the poster above was referring to. And, it is worth well more than the 10 bucks he was contemplating!!

It will take a week or two to get pics up as I am in San Francisco right now drinking my way through my birthday celebrations! But, when I am back I will photograph the heck out of this thing.

A wicked brush - ASR must not have produced many - this could be one of the few in existence - and this one is indeed NOS and comes with the instruction sleeve as described above. Pictures to come!!:thumbup:
Awesome pics Piet - thnx for posting them JP. :w00t: Clearly these brushes were being used in Europe. Thank you for the information Piet, I could not find anything else. I guess however this type of brush never caught on with shavers - these are the only pics I have ever seen of a feather shaving brush. I wonder if using feathers may have been because of the war?? Perhaps the boar hair was being used for other purposes?? The ASR one that I picked up says a patent was taken out. Finding the patent should help identify a date. Perhaps it was similarly during the war? Hmmmmm
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