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Who won the New Deluxe?

I think that was T-Rick. Did you bid on it at all? I'm just going to stop looking at razors. I know if I look at it, T-Rick is tracking it as well.:biggrin:


No, had my eye on it. Figured a member got it. Not a bad deal. That Red Tip could clean up as well.
I think that was T-Rick. Did you bid on it at all? I'm just going to stop looking at razors. I know if I look at it, T-Rick is tracking it as well.:biggrin:
Guilty as charged. :biggrin: Price surprised me, I thought it would go a bit higher.

But really, I AM going to slow down! I know, you've heard it before... but I really am! Had another 7 razors delivered today (one was a lot of four, bought mainly for a sweet open comb single edge-similar in geometry to a 1912, a VIC, never hear of it but it is cased, looks fantastic and with the others was a steal at under $16 including shipping!).
No, had my eye on it. Figured a member got it. Not a bad deal. That Red Tip could clean up as well.

I agree, in fact i think it was a great deal if there are no cracks (got a New Standard awhile back the Seller claimed had no cracks- there was a very small one though). I thought it would go a bit higher mainly due to the red tip. Seems their soaring prices of a few weeks back has calmed down a bit? Odd, I've bid on lots with red tips and individual red tips a dozen, maybe 15 time over the last couple of months. Never snagged one until last week, a BIN best offer of $15.01 shipped (might be even better than this one). So now I've got two...

But what I really seem to be piling up is Techs. Find a mismatched case, odds are 3 in five it'll have a Tech, a Gem or a ball handled Old Type in it. I don't know how many Tech's I have right now, but it's a good bit more than the 6-8 I'll keep. I'm going to have to sell some off, or PIF a few, or both! January, that'll be the month I begin to thin the herd. But for real, my buying is slowing down now. I've got too many to clean up as it is, and I want to try them all once before letting them go. It'll take until January to shave with all of them.
But really, I AM going to slow down! I know, you've heard it before... but I really am! Had another 7 razors delivered today...

Says the man whose signature line reads as follows:

"I can resist everything except temptation."
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