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Which Witch?

I have seen three brands of Witch Hazel out there.
The Dickinson at about $4.99 per bottle, the "organic" kind at $8.99 and the Walmart kind at $1.38.

All have the basic 14% alcohol witch hazel extract.

What would justify the price differences?
I've used both the Wal-Mart & Dickinson witch hazel, but the Wal-Mart brand is all I use now. I suggest you buy the Dickinson, it has a nicer bottle and cap for dispensing, when you are ready for a new supply pick up the Wal-Mart brand and pour it into your empty Dickinson container.
What would justify the price differences?

Corporate America! :biggrin:

I use the store brand Witch Hazel and apply with a cotton pad. But you've got it right...make sure it's 14% alcohol.
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I have seen three brands of Witch Hazel out there.
The Dickinson at about $4.99 per bottle, the "organic" kind at $8.99 and the Walmart kind at $1.38.

All have the basic 14% alcohol witch hazel extract.

What would justify the price differences?

Just as a heads up, the "organic" kind at $8.99 is probably Thayers, in which case it does not have the standard 14% alcohol witch hazel extract. Thayers witch hazel is not distilled, and as such it is somewhat different from Dickinson.

There's a recent discussion about the differences between various formulations, and while I use the Thayer's and have my own conclusions about distilled vs. non-distilled witch hazel, it's worth noting the differences.
Just as a heads up, the "organic" kind at $8.99 is probably Thayers, in which case it does not have the standard 14% alcohol witch hazel extract. Thayers witch hazel is not distilled, and as such it is somewhat different from Dickinson.

There's a recent discussion about the differences between various formulations, and while I use the Thayer's and have my own conclusions about distilled vs. non-distilled witch hazel, it's worth noting the differences.

the price diff thayers vs. dickinsons is also scent and probably quality. dickinsons, shall we say, takes getting used to. Thayer's smells great out of the bottle (and comes in different scents).
the price diff thayers vs. dickinsons is also scent and probably quality. dickinsons, shall we say, takes getting used to. Thayer's smells great out of the bottle (and comes in different scents).

Agreed, I think Dickinsons smells disgusting, while Thayer's unscented is very neutral, and I like both the lemon and rose scented versions.
I have used both Dickinson's and Thayers...both are quality products.

Dickinson's is my everyday aftershave (sometimes nothing else...other than cold water to follow), whereas Thayer's is an occasional "spritz" (I transferred it to a pump spray bottle).

I have seen three brands of Witch Hazel out there.
The Dickinson at about $4.99 per bottle, the "organic" kind at $8.99 and the Walmart kind at $1.38.

All have the basic 14% alcohol witch hazel extract.

What would justify the price differences?

WOW!!! The Walmart in town sells Witch Hazel for $2.88. I want your price on it. :ohmy:
I bought the Dickinson's WH, and it's great. I also already own a half bottle or so of store brand. They both smell the exact same, and feel the same. So I'd say go with the store brand.
There's nothing wrong with Dickinson's at all though...just like there's nothing wrong with the store brand.

And then buy a little 3 oz (or more) atomizer from the aisle with travel size shampoos and deodorants. I spray a healthy amount on after every shave.
Good luck on figuring out "which witch"...this will take some time and folks on this forum have as many different opinions as there are stars in the sky LOL!
I'd say scent is the primary difference. Don't forget about Thayer's superhazel, though. It has additional healing properties, and as such is my personal choice.
i've used both the wal-mart & dickinson witch hazel, but the wal-mart brand is all i use now. I suggest you buy the dickinson, it has a nicer bottle and cap for dispensing, when you are ready for a new supply pick up the wal-mart brand and pour it into your empty dickinson container.

I thought this thread was going to be about the classic board game:


Since it isn't, I use Dickinson's Witch Hazel.
I have tried all three.
I think the Dickensons is the best for helping heal little nicks and dings. The store brand is probably very similar. To me Thayers just doesn't do as good a job on my face.
If you really want to go down the scented witch hazel road look at emsplace aftershave splashes. They are mostly witch hazel with many different scented oils available.
My local Wal-Mart has Dickinson's for $2.89 and Walmart brand for $1.68. I just picked up a bottle of Dickinson's this afternoon.
The first "Witch Hazel" I tried was Thayers. (The scare quotes are there to let ClubmanRob know that I know, etc..)

I liked Thayers very much at first but soon noticed it left my skin feeling kind of tacky -- something in there is not evaporating.

So I got some TND and am quite happy with it. The scent takes some getting used to, but that's true of many of the finer things in life (not the scent, but the getting used to).

Drugstore brands may come from the same vat in the same processing plant for all I know, but I like the TND bottle more. For a couple of bucks I don't need much of a reason to go for the TND.
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