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Which Wacker? Please help now!

Hello everyone

I will introduce myself shortly; I've been lurking in SRP for a couple of months, because I wanted to wait until I actually 'own' a straight razor and shave with it before starting to talk about them.

I finally almost found what I've been looking for, i.e. the ultimate object of my obsession was the Heribert Wacker Jugendstil 1034. I've searched the entire WWW and it's no where. My second wish was the Feinster Hohlschliff, but *sigh* no.

These and after months of daily searching (almost lost my job and marriage from amount of time spent on the Internet googling and teaching myself German and Russian to correspond with vendors lol) is what I have come up with.

And I need to buy one by tomorrow else they'll be sold. Can you please pick one for me?



Ask me about shaving naked!
I like the first one. The shoulderless design is easier to sharpen and easier to keep clean - no crud in the stabilizer corner.

I also like the inclined or "French" point; it always seemed to me that the relief at the top of the blade made it easier to see what the skin behind it was doing.

Cheers, Steve
Buy both, have them delivered to me. I'll pick out the better one and send it to you and then I'll properly dispose of the bad one. You're welcome!

I like the the first one too
Both are real fine razors.
The second one is, to my eyes, closer to the design of the Jugendstil 1034.
But I think (and this is based on a shred of a memory) - that 2nd razor above was ground by the son of the Meister, not the Meister himself.
I could be wrong though. You might want to research that a bit.

The first one above, I believe to be ground by Herr Wacker.
What that means at the end of the day depends on what you're looking for I suppose.

Whatever - you won't go wrong with either.
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