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Which one of those two Dovos ?


I would like to start with the straight razor shaving amd I want to buy myself a straight starter set.

I read the reviews of Dovo 6/8 Special turtoise (http://www.classicshaving.com/catalog/item/522940/190287.htm) and I'm convinced that it's a great first razor but I also noticed a 30$ cheaper razor (http://www.classicshaving.com/catalog/item/522940/8039250.htm).

Both are 6/8 both are carbon steel. My question is what are the differences between those two razors which justifies the 30$ price increase.

Considering only raw performance and excluding the aestetics, do you think that it's worth spending a little more bucks to get the turtoise special razor ?

Thanks in advance for any reply.

I would like to start with the straight razor shaving amd I want to buy myself a straight starter set.

I read the reviews of Dovo 6/8 Special turtoise (http://www.classicshaving.com/catalog/item/522940/190287.htm) and I'm convinced that it's a great first razor but I also noticed a 30$ cheaper razor (http://www.classicshaving.com/catalog/item/522940/8039250.htm).

Both are 6/8 both are carbon steel. My question is what are the differences between those two razors which justifies the 30$ price increase.

Considering only raw performance and excluding the aestetics, do you think that it's worth spending a little more bucks to get the turtoise special razor ?

Thanks in advance for any reply.

i think the price difference are the scales. if that is true, only you can decide if scales are worth it. IMO, at the beginning i thought wht would anyone want to spend more on scales, but after a while I am really digging horn and tortoise and some super looking scales done by people here and other forums.
I have the Dovo special and it is a very attractive set of faux tortoise scales, but as stated above that is all the extra 30 bucks got me. and you are correct that it is a great razor to start with. I find it very forgiving and it is more than a starter razor as it is probably one you will come to appreciate even more as you progress.

Yeah, those Dovo blades are all the same until you get up to about $150 (Bismark, Black Star, etc)... difference is the scales, like others were saying.

*edit* On a side note, man... You can get a better deal on that tortoise if you decide on that one.
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I should also mention that a quick perusal of one of the other leading straight razor vendors will score that special for $15 less. If patient you can score that with a nice strop for $120 on the combo special. That is how i came by mine.

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I have both. They were my starter razors and I still use the Special alot. It's a nice razor. Aesthetics aside, I think the blades are the same. The scales on the Best are not very comfortable in my hand when stropping, and make it feel a little awkward. That's probably just a personal quirk. I bought them both when the vendor was running a free honing for life special - sweet deal. (Hint - it's on again right now)
Considering only raw performance and excluding the aestetics, do you think that it's worth spending a little more bucks to get the turtoise special razor ?

No. Get the cheap razor now, and if you like straights, spend boatloads of money on something better later on. Personally, I hate the tortoise scales and I think there are better looking scales that are worth looking into once you start enjoying straight shaving.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Get what you like. I'll disagree with some of the other advice and say that when you buy a straight, you're buying an entire package, and owning something that looks good is not inconsequential. The special is a very handsome razor, as well as a well respected shaver.

You can get a better price at www.vintagebladesllc.com or www.thesuperiorshave.com on the faux tortoise.

If you find that you enjoy shaving this way, there will certainly be more straights in your future.
Get what you like. I'll disagree with some of the other advice and say that when you buy a straight, you're buying an entire package, and owning something that looks good is not inconsequential. The special is a very handsome razor, as well as a well respected shaver.

I completely agree with this and I like the tortoise scales a lot. I was just pointing out don't base his decision on thinking he would get a better blade.

I'm actually thinking of getting one of the tortoise shell dovo's to have a little workhorse in my rotation.
Shop within your means but get the best you can afford or you may regret it later. Jarrod at supersiroshave puts a fantastic edge on those Dovo's too so if you want one shave ready with an edge that will last I'd recommend him all the way.
Yeah, those Dovo blades are all the same until you get up to about $150 (Bismark, Black Star, etc)... difference is the scales, like others were saying.

Your post complicated the matters a bit ;)

I can probably spend 20$ more for the Bismarck. Are the differences between it and the turtoise significant ?
If you're buying your first staight, you absolutely must have a strop. Eventually you will need to get it honed. As stated above, you can get packages for first timers that are worth the money.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Your post complicated the matters a bit ;)

I can probably spend 20$ more for the Bismarck. Are the differences between it and the turtoise significant ?

You've hit on a very important point. You will almost always be able to say, "If I just spend a little more, I can get something better." Where does one draw the line?

If you're looking at a Dovo best quality, you can say "If I spring for another twenty bucks, I can get a Special". But then you can say "If I spring for another twenty bucks, I can get a Bismarck." And so forth and so on. It never stops.
You've hit on a very important point. You will almost always be able to say, "If I just spend a little more, I can get something better." Where does one draw the line?

If you're looking at a Dovo best quality, you can say "If I spring for another twenty bucks, I can get a Special". But then you can say "If I spring for another twenty bucks, I can get a Bismarck." And so forth and so on. It never stops.

The next thing you know the UPS guy is dropping a Mammoth Ivory scaled Dovo on your porch.
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