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Which of these methods is most common to your routine?

Typical shaving method?

  • Bowl/Creams

  • Bowl/Soap

  • Face/Creams

  • Face/Soap

  • Palm/Cream

  • Palm/Soap

  • Other

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Shave mugs are more traditional than "shave bowls" and yet you omitted them. I started using soap to shave with when I was about 16 or 17, and had a brand new Old Spice gift set with aftershave, brush, clogne, deodorant, mug, soap, and talc all there together. I always loaded / lathered it up right there in my mug, and didn't stir it around on my face when I spread it on. That was about 56 years ago now.
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Shave mugs are more traditional than "shave bowls" and yet you omitted them.


My preferred method is lathering on the puck, inside of a mug. This method is what most people of yore probably did.

I don't load, and then move to a different vessel.

The closest on the list is bowl/soap, but it's not exactly the same thing.

Loading the soap, and then moving to a different container to build lather is a pretty recent addition I believe.
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I load my brush on the shaving soap puck, then go to my scuttle and work up a decent lather, then put in a half inch or so of shaving cream and add water until thick and creamy
Then I start to scrub in the lather with my brush on my face until all the wiskers are completely drenched in creamy softness!!

Then shave.
most of the time I fist bowl with a stick, swirl a bit in a bowl then palm lather.
after applying to my face I wash my hands so i have both for shaving then when i come to relather for another pass I swirl the brush in the bowl some more then work the lather on my palm again.
My preferred method is lathering on the puck, inside of a mug. This method is what most people of yore probably did.
I suspect that John is correct that most guys lathered right on the puck in the old days. Occaisionally somebody will say something in a post about lathering on the puck and the forum erupts in complaints about wasting soap. That probablyt wan't a big deal to guys in the old days, as Colgate and Williams shaving soap were cheap commodities that anybody could pick up at the drug or grocery stores. Seaforth, Old Spice, and others had shaving soap and mugs readily available as well. That's not a big deal to today me as I tend towards the less expensive lathering products. A few days less from a puck of soap that lasts a couple of months isn't going to break the bank.

My preferred method is lathering on the puck, inside of a mug. This method is what most people of yore probably did.

I don't load, and then move to a different vessel.

The closest on the list is bowl/soap, but it's not exactly the same thing.

Loading the soap, and then moving to a different container to build lather is a pretty recent addition I believe.

isnt that pretty much face lathering then?

That's what I call it.
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