Hi Sals, Respect your YMMV view on what works for you personally based on your sudden conversion to brushless products in the Spring of 2023 (see P.S.S. below for details). You need to qualify this statement by noting that you currently prefer brushless products that represent a narrow segment within the plethora of shaving soaps and creams that we use. In your post last Sunday (7/21/24) you noted that "I have only one razor, no brush...." and in later posts noted that you currently only use two products from a single U.S. vendor that you hand lather.I would have to say the US and Italy are way ahead in best of the best. Everything I have tried over the years from other countries namely the UK and France have been very disappointing.
Yes tried all of those over the years. All average in my opinion and not on the level of the American and Italian artisans or the more easily available soaps and creams.I would agree that the US has some great shaving software products. It may sound blasphemous, but I don't think I've ever tried any Italian software. I know that I've intended to get Proraso and Cella throughout the years, but never ended up doing so.
@SalS what software from the UK or France have you tried? DR Harris makes some of my favorite soaps. Truefitt and Hill are my favorite among the Three T's, but I have also enjoyed Taylor of Old Bond Street and Trumpers as well. Castle Forbes was great once dialed in. I always have some Pre de Province in my bathroom.
Hi, I just went through @SalS historic posts for my response in this thread above. Did not see any mention of his using U.K. based products in his posts going back roughly three years (all that are available). Soaps mentions only included Stirling and Proraso. Not sure what his original post is based on unless I missed something or it is per usage from years ago.I would agree that the US has some great shaving software products. It may sound blasphemous, but I don't think I've ever tried any Italian software. I know that I've intended to get Proraso and Cella throughout the years, but never ended up doing so.
@SalS what software from the UK or France have you tried? DR Harris makes some of my favorite soaps. Truefitt and Hill are my favorite among the Three T's, but I have also enjoyed Taylor of Old Bond Street and Trumpers as well. Castle Forbes was great once dialed in. I always have some Pre de Province in my bathroom.
I have tried all of them trust me, but never have brought them up. No point.Hi, I just went through @SalS historic posts for my response in this tread above. Did not see any mention of his using U.K. based products in his posts going back roughly a couple years (all that are available). Soaps mentions only included Stirling and Proraso. Not sure what his original post is based on unless I missed something or it is per usage from years ago.
@Raven Koenes , agree on the Cyril R. Salter creams. I use their Wild Rose and French Vetiver that are great. Their hard tallow based pucks are also excellent.
Yes tried all of those over the years.
All average in my opinion and not on the level of the American and Italian artisans or the more easily available soaps and creams.
My LEA Professional and Mendolada creams are excellent. At some point I need to dig out the unused LEA shaving stick that I've yet to try.I prefer products from Portugal!
@SalS answered a similar question a couple of weeks ago with his July 15th response "You name it. Mass market, artisan basically everything. The beard lube is non lathering but the cream is big latherer. I have have good experiences with other products like Proraso, Ariana & Evans, Ethos, Stirling, Cella and others, but this combination is unbeatable. I normally buy them at Nordstrom Rack in NYC where I live." (link below, see post #55). All made in the U.S.or Italy products.As I've previously asked, what else have you tried from the UK and France?
Care to elaborate? Any specific qualities or characteristics that you find inferior in UK or French products?
Umm, not to step into your issue but leave what exactly to the moderators?Not sure you will get a further response. When SalS started jumping into threads I've posted on to denigrate use of products that provide shaving lather and tout his preferred alternatives with "superior technology" a couple of weeks ago I've asked for the basis of the claims and not received a response. Will leave this to you going forward as Moderator.
Thank you for your perspective.Umm, not to step into your issue but leave what exactly to the moderators?
As far as I know, giving his opinion (whether you don't like it or think it's false) isn't out of line. I normally never stand in like this but quoting post after post from a user in order to degrade their opinion isn't right in my view.
Takes a lot of time and effort to follow someone like that.
It's strange!
Just skip what he writes and move on!
Good, sounds like the right thing to do!As I noted in my above post I've said my piece and am now moving on as we all should.