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Where to go from a C&E BBB?

Now that I've been doing this for at least 6 months and I'm sure I won't go back to that awful electric razor, I'm thinking about upgrading my brush for the upcoming holidays.

I currently use a C&E BBB. While it seems to get the job done, it's shedding (a little), and I'd like something with a taller handle and with more density. I'm looking for an upgrade in performance - not just something to drop money on.

I'm not going any higher than $150 and I'm not attached to the idea of getting Silvertip vs. Best. I need a brush that'll work with both creams and soaps. I was thinking about the 2009 B&B LE, but I really don't like the butterscotch.

How do you guys pick brushes sight unseen? Are there pictures floating around with the C&E BBB and some of the more common "upgrade" brushes so I could see a comparison?

What's a newbie to do? Thanks!
I know there are because I have asked for and viewed some. However, I just did a search for all my posts back to 400 (as far as Search lets me go for some reason) and I cannot find them. Perhaps someone can resurrect a picture of the C&E BBB and the Rooney 3/1; that was one I remember for sure. Also believe there was one including a Saville Row. Sorry I can be of no more specific help.
I know there are because I have asked for and viewed some. However, I just did a search for all my posts back to 400 (as far as Search lets me go for some reason) and I cannot find them. Perhaps someone can resurrect a picture of the C&E BBB and the Rooney 3/1; that was one I remember for sure. Also believe there was one including a Saville Row. Sorry I can be of no more specific help.

I appreciate you checking, John. Thanks.

I'd like to get something with a flatter top rather than a bulb shape. Right now I'm eyeing the Simpson and Vulfix brushes. The Simpson Chubby has my attention, but I'm a bit at a loss without seeing pictures I can use for size comparison.

Corey Greenberg over at Shaveblog seems to think that Vulfix is the last word in shaving brushes. I know Vulfix owns Simpson now, and while the aesthetic of the Simpsons brushes appeal to me, I'm not sure how much of a premium they command over their Vulfix kin.

Are the Vulfix brushes as densely packed as the Simpsons? This is likely to be the last brush I pick up for at least a couple of years.
OK... now I'm really lost.

The reviews of the brush that Corey Greenberg loves (Vulfix 2235) were less than stellar here on B&B. There are complaints it isn't very dense - something I'm specifically trying to avoid.

Also, the Simpsons Chubby - which by all accounts is very dense - was given rather critical treatment by Joel.


I'm now at a total loss for what to do.

[Edit:] I notice that Joel's review of the Chubby is 9/07. Since Vulfix has now purchased Simpson, has there been an increase in the quality of the brushes? Is it still true that the less expensive "Best" is softer than the "Super?" With the dense Chubby, I'd want softer hair I think.
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I think the Vulfix brushes are fairly similar to your CE brush. My 2234 will lather just about anything, but it is not dense. For me the brushes that really satisfied me were a shavemac in finest, and a Rooney 3/1 super. I feel that Rooney may be the best buy in the brush world It is soft, very dense, and well regarded.
Any other thoughts, guys? It seems like Simpson and Shavemac have fallen out of favor. Vulfix doesn't sound like it's very dense.

What's left? Only Rooney? Kent? Do either of them make something like the Chubby?
Just to update (and end) the thread, since Joel's post today indicated that the '09 LE might be available in ebony, I'm going to hold off and wait for it. It looks just about perfect - my only reservation was the butterscotch color.

Not sure why this thread didn't get any responses. Hope I didn't commit a faux pas.
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