I scored a few knots from GoldenNib and would like to get some handles made. In particular, one like DrP's lovely persian jar. Where can I find someone who turns acrylic or equivalent to your specifications?
Swirly black and Mother of Pearl acrylic Persian Jar. May need to be more narrow at the base to qualify as Mae West. May put it back on the lathe for a little trimming.
I prefer the thicker base...IMO, the thinner base looks more feminine. Maybe that's why its called the "Mae West". BTW, they all look great, do you plan on selling?
I was hoping to improve on the handle I made in brass colored acrylic. I had set up some Ivory Acrylic material on my lathe when I guess I dug too deep with a wood chisel. The bottom of the handle exploded off the lathe and I was glad I was wearing a full face mask. I am sure a more experienced wood turner would have avoided this mess.
This is has been a fun hobby to make handles but only when everything goes well. Anymore disasters like this and I will be listing a lathe for sale. I don't think I will ever be in the business of making handles but I sure appreciate the kind words from some of the members about some of my handles.
That can happen to anybody when turning acrylic, which is why I prefer not to work with it.
Your chisels need to be very sharp and you need to be at or above the center line at all times.
Since polymers lack grain strength like wood has in it length the slightest grab will cause it to break.