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Where to buy inexpensive shaving soap tins/bowls

I have a few shaving soaps coming in the mail and would like to melt them into tins or bowls (or just place them if that works). I am not really sure where to go about finding inexpensive tins or bowls. I am not looking for aesthetics so much as pure function. If anyone has any resources please let me know! Thanks in advance.
buy 12-15cm bowls from a discount store, I picked up some for $1.50 each. I have been on the lookout for enamel camping bowls also as I think they would look great.
Here in the UK I've bought small plastic food storage containers very cheaply from hardware shops which do the job nicely. A capacity of 0.25 litre is enough for a soap refill.
Go to WALMART and buy the 1 cup PYREX bowls, that come with the air-tight lids. They are made for the soap pucks.! Place a soap puck in the bowl, there is just a slight movement of the puck. Place PYREX bowl
and the soap puck in hot water on the stove until the puck just starts to melt, take out the bowl with a pair of tongs and let the soap harden for a few minutes.Now the soap will not move at all and you can make lather right out of the bowl or scrub soap onto your
brush and transfer to a another bowl for lather. What makes this so great is the air tight lid and the fact that you can stack the bowls. After using, make sure the top of the soap is dry before you place the lid on.
Oh, by the way the cups come in a 4 pack and it will run you about 3 or 4 bucks. What is also nice, since PYREX is clear, you can see how much soap is left in the bowl without taking the lid off.
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Believe it or not my shave bowl of choice is a lime green salsa bowl from Walmart for $1.29. I have tried shave mugs, bowls and the ones you add hot water to but these salsa bowls are the best.
You can get these screw top tins in various sizes below.


eBay has enough cool trinket jars, candy dishes, shave mugs, and vanity bowls under $5 to supply every member of B&B with a lifetime of soap containers. If you are looking for something with a bit more personality and you are willing to search for a week or so, you will find the perfect thing.
I go to the recycling centers at my local garbage dumps, lots of bowls and soup mugs to choose from there. I also check out St. Vincent De Paul and Salvation Army stores. Actually this is where I got most of the stuff in my kitchen from, I break too many glasses and plates. :smile:
charity shops, large coffee cups and small cerial/soup bowls for next to nothing, also as mentioned the small plastic tubs with the snap on lids, 3 for about a £1 in the uk, great for keeping soap pucks in.
I have used the Ikea bowls, the 1/2 cup pyrex bowls w/ lid, scalloped sided glass dessert cups, and XS sized disposable ziploc containers.

For pure function per dollar, you can't beat the ziploc. They are are a bit narrow for some larger pucks, so those require some shaving.
Scalloped dessert cup, like you'd get a creme brulle in from a bakery, are easy to hang onto and attractive, but have no lids so you can't really stack them.
The pyrex can get very slippery once the soap starts running down the sides.
The Ikea containers are nice and very effective, but just expensive.
+1 on thrift stores. You're bound to find lots of options, ridiculously cheap (so can try out different styles), and lots of stuff will be randomly unique, which is cool.
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