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Where does this straight razor come from?

I just bought one like this for 5 dollars on a market and I'm in the middle of restoring it but wanted to know where it could come from!


There is the only picture I could find of a similar razor. The picture is not of my razor (mine was less worn but more rusty) but of the same kid.

It says Silber Stahl and a ship on the blade, nothing on the tang.

Has anyone seen one like this? Who made them?


Mike H

Instagram Famous
Silber Stahl is German for Silver Steel, not the name manufacturer.
Post pictures when you get your razor cleaned up.

Here are the pics of the one I got. Sorry for the glare and all, I was in the middle of cleaning and grinding it. Now the writing/etching is all but gone but I was just wondering is anyone knows something of its origin. I'll make new scales and polish it up - it'll be in the restorations section some time later on!

The quality wasn't great: the tang looks a bit too big and the teeth ground into the grip area are all crooked, the tang was bent, the whole blade was bent (hence the concave blade shape from sharpening and stropping). I've ground it down straighter and bent the tang straight.


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