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Where do I go to hone my new Thiers Issard Carbon blade?

The instructions say explicitly my blade is shave ready and to strop after 2 shaves. I have shaved 3 times and the blade seems to have a difficult time with my my day and 1/2 beard. I called two companies in Indianapolis that say they hone straight razors. Both seam nice but both said they don't see many straight razors. That makes sense since there aren't many that shave with them.

I was concerned about both of them having confidence but not the repetitions or the idea of them doing it with a wheel. If it isn't inappropriate to ask here, is there a place(s) that is trusted by the forum that I could send my Razor to make sure I am starting with the a "shave ready" razor? Even if it is in top shape, I would feel more comfortable knowing a veteran checked it out.


- Chris
I could hone it for you. If you could just pay for shipping both ways. I will definitely make your straight shave ready. If the bevel needs to be set, I will use my Naniwa Chosera 1K. If it is already set, I will use my La Grise Coticule. Then I will finish my Dark Blue Escher.
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Very nice of Matt to offer. I'd take him up on it. Bad advice stropping after 2 shaves btw. Strop before every use. Some of us even do a few laps afterwards to make sure its dry.
Definitely stop before each use, I do 25/50

Post shave I do 10-15 quick laps
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No company in Indianapolis is qualified to hone my straights. Some individuals, maybe.

There a few company's out there that could/should hone a straight razor for you. IMO, unless they are a specialty vendor that deals with straight razors, you likely son't want them honing your razor. In many cases (qualified vendors excluded) you're better off with individuals.
I could hone it for you. If you could just pay for shipping both ways. I will definitely make your straight shave ready. If the bevel needs to be set, I will use my Naniwa Chosera 1K. If it is already set, I will use my La Grise Coticule. Then I will finish my Dark Blue Escher.

I am going to take you up on this kind offer. I will spring for shipping to/from and perhaps a cocktail (after honing :)) I will PM you to get shipping info. I felt uncomfortable with someone who does 95% culinary knives.
UPDATE!! Matt did an incredible job on the straight I got at Art of Shaving. I noticed an appreciable difference in the closeness of shave when I got it back. I have a high powered magnifying glass and the bevel and sharpness looks as close to a razor blade as you can get.

It is a big relief when you are concentrating on technique, stropping, speed and prep instead of worrying if the razor is as sharp as it should be. I was updating my thread in the newbie clinic and forgot to mention what great job Matt did.
Is that African or European leather?

nice!! love any and all MP references.

i think that he would give up by the 5th razor i can imagine a sore arm
stropping that much will make you do blind

or he'll have to start shaving his palms...

UPDATE!! Matt did an incredible job on the straight I got at Art of Shaving. I noticed an appreciable difference in the closeness of shave when I got it back. I have a high powered magnifying glass and the bevel and sharpness looks as close to a razor blade as you can get.

It is a big relief when you are concentrating on technique, stropping, speed and prep instead of worrying if the razor is as sharp as it should be. I was updating my thread in the newbie clinic and forgot to mention what great job Matt did.

Stoked!!!! the generosity on these forums is spectacular. and fortunately ther eare enoguh people who enjoy honing for honing's sake, that for the price of shipping you don't ever HAVE to hone.... but...

if you are anything liek most of us, just wait until you start wrapping your head around the honing itself!! talk about a deep rabbit hole!

I've finally got my confidence on the coticles now, thoguh always room for improvement, and I will begin moving on to the JNat to learn it's feel and qualities....but it's just mind-warping all the options available to hone a razor evne once you get confidence on a particualr stone the options still present themselves (use additional finishers, CrOX, Diamond spray CBN, paste a linen use balsa, how many strokes,ad nauseum - but it's also what makes it so dang interesting!)

shave in good health!
UPDATE!! Matt did an incredible job on the straight I got at Art of Shaving. I noticed an appreciable difference in the closeness of shave when I got it back. I have a high powered magnifying glass and the bevel and sharpness looks as close to a razor blade as you can get.

It is a big relief when you are concentrating on technique, stropping, speed and prep instead of worrying if the razor is as sharp as it should be. I was updating my thread in the newbie clinic and forgot to mention what great job Matt did.

Thanks for the praise Chris! Enjoy your straight razor!
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