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Where could I find menthol crystals?

If I were inclined to make my own aftershave, where could I get menthol crystals? I know they can be bought on the innerwebs, but I hate to spend $8 for the crystals and $8 for shipping. (An $8 quantity would last practically forever - I don't need a pound.) I live in a big city (Houston), and every place I have tried looks at me funny.

Any thoughts, or is the web my only option?

And also, what about glycerin? I am thinking that would be easier to find, but I haven't looked yet. Drug store?
Menthol - Any DIY site for making e-juice for e-cigarettes. Onestopdiyshop is where I used to get my supplies before I out grew her package sizes. That is pretty much the only way I know of.
USP Glycerin - any drugstore
The thing with Glycerin is you can pay 6 bucks for 4oz at Walgreens/etc Or 20 bucks for a half liter or larger at Amazon.
As a pharmacist, I know any good pharmacy most likely an independent, not a chain should be willing to order for you. I recently went on ebay and found a quarter pound at a more than reasonable price. Menthol crystals are so bulky they occupy a lot of space, than quarter pound filled two of my one pound ointment jars.
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