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When you come to B&B, where do you go?

Just curious about where everyone goes when they get here.

I myself look over the front page for any new stuff, sometimes checking the latest posts, then go to the General Shaving forum for a spell, then right to B/S/T to have a look and see if anything new has been posted, then to Newbie check in, then onto Safety Razors.

From there it's a free for all.
I always go to the general than it's a free fr all between: BST, aftershaves, creams, soap, Safety Razors, and Safety razor blades
I love the haberdashery. Mostly because the guys there post pictures of some beautiful watches.

Oh! You've just pointed me to somewhere I didn't know existed! Me likey the haberdashery! Somewhere for me to spend some time!

I normally just stick to General shaving, newbie clinic and soaps/creams and cologne forums.

I must try harder from now on! :001_tt2:
B/S/T, then new posts, often ending in the Barber Shop or the Haberdashery after saying "howdy" to some newbies.
I head to the front page then new posts, check any subscribed threads and finally Check on the great southern land group.
Here first, then safety razors, perhaps onto soaps and creams beofre checking in and saying G'day to a few new guys. I always finish of with a look to BST and Great Southern Land.


Generally start with "New Posts", then User CP to see if there are any specific follow ups to either my answers or threads I've started, then it's pretty random.
Usually I go first to safety razors (and blades), then shaving soaps and after that it might be anything though 99% of the time just shaving related forums.
I always start in the General section, then Safety Razors/Razor Blades, then B/S/T and finally shopping.

Now, maybe the haberdashery for some watch porn?
I start with General discussion, then New Members, I think its important to always welcome new members. :thumbup:

Then I'll hit shave brushes, safety razors, and straight razor talk.

I always do those 5 things first. From then on its really open, and who knows where I'll go. :w00t:
General forum first, then razors, then soaps, then newbs, then BST then on occasion to the more minor sections like razor blades, etc...
Usually Safety Razors first, followed by general. Occasionally I remember to check the new members forum, or glance at the latest posts. Will sometimes sample the other forums just to see what people talk about there.

Every now and then I'll search the forums at large, or the reviews, for some specific information.
I open a bunch of tabs. Normally I go through them in this order:
Barber Shop
General Discussion
Safety Razor Blades
Shaving Soaps

That's the typical order, then sometimes I'll wander into The Mess Hall and Brushes.
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