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When and what Aftershave to use?

Hello guys,

Need some guidance. My shaving routine looks like this.
Shower, applying cream/soap, shaving, using alum, and then TOBS Shaving Shop after shave gel.

I'm trying to find out if I need other aftershaves, if I go for a splash would that then replace my after shave gel ?

I'm having pretty dry skin so what's to prefer ?

Many thanks for help !!!
You can use both splash and balm, in that order.

Also, consider adding Thayer's Witch Hazel into your mix, apply it after you rinse off the lather, and before the alum block. I've found that mixing Thayer's with an alcohol-based after-shave greatly reduces the sting.

When choosing which brand to go with, my rule of thumb is to use whichever brand and scent matches the shaving soap/cream that I used that day. So if you are using ToBS brand, get the after-shave that matches that scent.
If you have dry skin you probably want some kind of moisturizer or alc-free balm to put on after the alc splash.

Also, be sure to wet your face and hands with cold water before pouring alc splashes into your hand and applying them to your face.

My favorite alc splashes are Speick, Musgo Real, and Aubrey Organics. Check the reviews section...there are a ton of aftershaves out there that different people like.

If you don't want to spend a lot, go down to the local drugstore and see what they sell there. My guess is you can't get Thayer's there, but some brand of witch hazel might be on the grocery/drug store shelves.

Also, if you are already using alum and a gel, I can't see the point of adding another astringent. It will just dry out your skin. You might want to skip the alum on the days when you are using witch hazel or alc-based aftershave.
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