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What's your top 3 razors?

Title says it all, well at least almost...

I was just standing in front of my cabinet last night looking at my razors when I started thinking about which of razors I like the most?

The answer is not easy as I like all my razors (after all that is why I have kept them) but if I had to pick three of my razors that stands out, which ones, and why?

#1 Les Croix 6/8 - An oustanding full hollow razor that sings with a beautiful tone, it takes maybe the best edge I have felt so far, and the size is perfect for my liking.

#2 Friudur 721/2 - Also a 6/8 razor, takes and holds a great edge and have thick nice tang, little bitt of a bugger to tuned in, but once there....:001_wub:

#3 Wade & Butcher "Zephyr" - Not just becaue of the name, but it's also a exctremely smooth shaver, splendid combination of the mellow Sheffield steel and the aggresiveness of a full hollow.

So, what are your top three razors and why?
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My Carl Schiepler. This thing is as thin as it gets. Thinner than Filarmonicas

My Fili 14 I just rescaled. This is a great shaver.
I'd say

#1) Dorko 7/8"

#2) Douglas Cutlery 6/8" Custom near-wedge in blue Micarta (I think Doug's razors are WAY underrated...he makes a fantastic shaver!!)

#3) CV Heljestrand BK #42...Sold to me by Scott (life2short)....Scott put a wicked edge on this thing & I've been shaving with it ever since I got it!



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My Zowada

My 7/8 Hart made with Zowada damascus

My first Hart. 6/8 satin wearing rosewood. So many shaves with it that it always feels like going home.
$PA160002 (2).jpg

But I have to admit I am an amatuer compared to many around here. I only have five. :biggrin1: There will be more:biggrin1:
1. Henkotsu kamisori - This is, by far, my favorite razor. It is much, much sharper than any other razor I've used. It's fairly small and nimble, is a breeze to hone, looks dangerous (to me, anyway), and is thrilling to use. It is unforgiving and bloodthirsty. I have so much fun with this razor, it's crazy.


2. Ern Ator - My favorite Western-style straight. No stabilizer, elegantly balanced, solid construction, not too expensive - it's a criminally-underappreciated razor.


3. Schulze Souvenir of Cologne - Fairly intricate and aesthetically-advanced etching. When honed by a pro, the blade feels like butter.

It's funny how things turn out sometimes. With no aesthetics involved just on shaving performance, I'd have to say:
Johan Engstrom frame back
What's more interesting is what didn't make the top 3 list.
My Torrey 6/8 that Mycarver cleaned up for me. Shaves really smooth. Also has some sentimental value, since both of my sons are currently in the Army.
I would like to display it, when not in use. Which leads to a question: Zephyr, where did you get those little stands?


Next, my Regeldso 4/8. This was my go-to blade before I got the Torrey back. Bought this off the bay for cheap, and all I have to do is strop it. Very nice shaves with no worries.


Third is my Spanish Inquisition, a Seraphim special. It shaves really good, and that wicked point is great for getting between my nose and stash.

This wasn't easy but probably the following three:

1. Engels Perfection 8/8
Edaco 14
(honorable mention Heljestrand BK41)

I have some goodies in transit. I'll update if anything changes.


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What are the other two, the three you are showing are NIIICCEEEE

Oops! I was wrong I have 6! That has to be a good sign right? A 6/8 Hart wearing horn scales right next to the Hart damascus.
A recently acquired pair of Sheffield steel Greenberg & Co razors wrapped in ivory. My first vintage blades and my first ivory! Haven't had enough shaves or time with them yet to take the place of any of my favorites, but I'm having a lot of fun with them.
Not to thread jack, but the far left razor wearing black horn I sent to a buddy the other day as his first straight! Another convert.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
BB 7/8 Kamisori grind

Henkotsu vintage

Joseph Rogers Wedge

Man I need better pictures
never met a straight i did not like.
1. C V H
3. FINEDGE, F W ENGELS & C-MON's it is a toss-up
and the razor makers can and do move around a bit according to my mood, i guess. it is good to have any of these makers with a good hone on them.
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my pictures are not working for me today ( later i hope)
1) W.Greaves & Sons 7/8
2)D.D. Dwarf 5/8
3) Red-Imp 132 or F. Reynolds 7/8 (to close to call)
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