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Whats your ammo supply look like?

How much ammo do you have right now?

  • Less than 100 rounds

  • 100 - 500 rounds

  • 500 - 1,000 rounds

  • 1,000 - 5,000 rounds

  • 5,000 - 10,000 rounds

  • I make it rain! 10,000+

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This why I don't like to chamber a round in my HD gun at home. I know many feel having to chamber a round is a dangerous waste of time, but I still feel apprehensive dropping the slide.

Having to chamber a round during an emergency is extremely dangerous. Especially a HD gun, where you may be shaken out of sleep, with the adrenalin hit, you'll be lucky to operate the safety. You will not have the fine motor skills needed to chamber a round.

Chambering is not without some risk, but it is a part of gun ownership. Follow the safety rules and IF it goes off, worst case is someone reports the shot and you get popped for unlawful discharge. The chances of a slam fire from a modern semi-auto are practically zilch, but "practically" still means that you need to be prepared. I've chambered and cycled many thousand rounds and have never had one go off.
I have what I believe is quite enough ammo for my Hi-Powers.

As to my revolvers, I am changing my ammuntion from rounds that 'might' work, to rounds that 'have' worked, from the days of Elmer Keith. Pink-tipped, green-tipped, red-tipped, ashtrays, beefalo bored, all hyped to be the latest kryptonite, and sold at ridiculous rationings and prices. Not for me, thank you. Full wadcutters from the '50's; semi-wadcutters from the '30's; and others with wide meplats, only. They did the jobs then, and I have no doubt will continue to do so.

I do not know what round it was that dispatched that (expl.) VietCong, coming from the SW Bodyguard fired by that South Vietnamese general, but I do know it was the lowly, hated lead round nose bullet fired from a Colt Agent, that dispatched, quite nastily I hear, Lee Harvey Oswald. But, fear not, I do not intend to acquire such a round.
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