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What's with this body wash?

I'm wondering how many of you bar soap guys clean your own showers, and what do you use to do it?

I use body wash and I can get my shower sparkly clean with just a soapy shower pouf.

Water softener here, and I use a bar soap about 95% of the time. I do clean my own tub/shower and I just wipe down the tub with a soapy wash cloth every 6 months or so, even though it doesn't really need it. I usually wipe the tub down after I give the dog a bath... Wash the dog, let him shake, step out of my skivvies, wipe down the interior, shower, shave... Actually I just did it last night, as a matter of fact.

If you DO have hard water, though, and don't like using an acid, try a chelating foam (Scrubbing bubbles) instead of something like CLR. The chelating agent will loosen scale deposits and allow you to remove them pretty easily with just a light scrubbing with a mildly abrasive item like a shower pouf.
I'm a big fan of the 100% Pure Goat's Milk soap. I can get it at just about any grocery store here in Australia. No chemical smells - or goaty ones either. Incredibly rich and moisturizing stuff; $2 a bar.
Leaves the skin soft, doesn't dry you out, and and leaves no scent I can detect.

In fact, it has got me thinking I should find a good goat's milk-based shave cream or shave soap. Anybody know of any good ones?
Using a body wash is much more work. I won't use a quality body wash without a mesh sponge of some sort because if you don't, it's really just a waste of an already overpriced product. My favorite body wash is Ocean Front by Billy Jealousy. It smells amazing. Try it. Anyways, if you DON'T use a sponge with this stuff you're not getting the full benefit of the product itself. A) It doesn't lather as well in your hands versus a sponge, so you end up using more to get clean and therefore end up being far too wasteful with it. B) When you use the sponge and you really get the product lathered up, you get to enjoy the scent. And the scent, my friends, is second to none. As long as they make this stuff it will be my go to shower product.
I notice that a lot of people grade the soap or wash by the lather that it creates. The amount of lather makes no difference in cleaning ability. It's just foam for the most part, and most of that foam is not in contact with the skin. It's the soap in contact with the skin that does the trick. I don't try to create lots of lather. I just use enough soap to slick up the skin. It's the advertisers that have convinced us that mounds of lather is desirable.
I just realized that some folks are talking about using body wash without some kind of applicator (puff, cloth, loufah). I agree that body wash is not great when applying with only the hands. It's wasteful, and it just doesn't clean as well.

I notice that a lot of people grade the soap or wash by the lather that it creates. The amount of lather makes no difference in cleaning ability. It's just foam for the most part, and most of that foam is not in contact with the skin. It's the soap in contact with the skin that does the trick. I don't try to create lots of lather. I just use enough soap to slick up the skin. It's the advertisers that have convinced us that mounds of lather is desirable.

I can get a great shave with a couple of shave oils I've tried and some of the non-lathering creams I've used before, but what fun is that? I've personally never found a need to have the cushion that lather supposedly gives. If something's slick enough, it works for me just fine.

But I want my soaps (shaving or otherwise) to give nice lather. Bubbles are fun, plus they give us visual cues as to where and how well be might have washed/shaved an area. Not necessarily important when I'm washing myself, but it's actually pretty helpful when I'm giving the kids (or dog) a bath.
I notice that a lot of people grade the soap or wash by the lather that it creates. The amount of lather makes no difference in cleaning ability. It's just foam for the most part, and most of that foam is not in contact with the skin. It's the soap in contact with the skin that does the trick. I don't try to create lots of lather. I just use enough soap to slick up the skin. It's the advertisers that have convinced us that mounds of lather is desirable.

Although i agree that cleaning ability and mounds of foamy lather don't really have anything to do with each other, I will say that using a pouf the same way I use a shaving brush (in other words, to produce mounds of great-smelling lather) is very satisfying for me. So although I know it doesn't really clean better, I ENJOY it more, and that's why I choose to do it.
I cant bring myself to use body wash as a soap. I've used Dove for as long as I can remember. I thought body wash was used for scent only. It seems like the body wash never lathers enough to be effective and the smell is super strong.
I used to use body washes, but they seem quite wasteful. Bar soap is easier, and I don't want anything scented as I am going to put some cologne or AS afterwards.
I like the Suave For Men body washes. To make them last longer I cut them 50/50 with water and end up with two bottles of product for the price of one. Plus I don't get the soap scum build up in the shower like I did when I was using bar soap. When the older plastic bottle's empty it gets recycled.

I can't stand soap. Drys my skin out like crazy. Those dove soaps dont, but i think they stink. I'm perfectly happy with my palmolive hypoallergenic wash. Don't care about lather. Little squirt in the hand, rub it all over me, rinse, done. No scent left behind, and non drying and irritating. Can pick up a liter of the stuff for $AU4 on special. Bottles go in the recycling.
I have used body wash for awhile now. (I'm 24, and I would say like 10ish years.) And I have been fine with it. Since I started DE shaving, and looking at some of the shaving soaps that also have body soaps, I have wanted to try some of them. (I also want to buy some Shampoo bars as well.) However, its less about the cleanliness I get from the bw, and more just cuz I want a soap that smells of sandalwood (or whatever smell they have.)
I willing to convert could you recommend a great bar soap.

choose from here:

a few more options (i really like the goat milk and oatmeal combo):

I am a bar soap kind of guy too. I always use Irish Spring.

dude, you are destroying your body. here is a simple rule: if you can't eat it, you don't want put it on your skin.

I can't stand soap. Drys my skin out like crazy. Those dove soaps dont, but i think they stink. I'm perfectly happy with my palmolive hypoallergenic wash. Don't care about lather. Little squirt in the hand, rub it all over me, rinse, done. No scent left behind, and non drying and irritating. Can pick up a liter of the stuff for $AU4 on special. Bottles go in the recycling.

Real soaps don't dry out the skin. Commercial soaps dry out the skin. Try an artisanal soap like one from Mystic Waters, Mama Bear, Queen Charlotte, or Chagrin Valley and you'll see what I mean.
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