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What's the most you ever had.........


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
to drink in one sitting?

(The threads on "how much have you eaten" and "binge drinking" got me to thinking.)

Details of accompanying embarrassing behavior optional.:001_rolle

I fully expect our boys in the military to do us proud. :tongue_sm
I really can't measure or estimate in # of drinks. Open kegs, open bars.. who can tell... There were several times in college I drank so much I probably should have been dead.

There was this one party at the Betas at Case Western. I remember eating the grapes and other fruit from the punch they had. I passed out on some couch. I didn't have many "blackouts" - but that was one of them. At least I was a happy drunk. A friend led me to believe that I made out with the former RA of our dorm. It wasn't until the next year that my friend told me he made it up. It was good thinking on his part because she was leaving and he knew I probably wouldn't see her again.

I can't even begin to relate some of the stupid things I've done while trashed.

Nowadays 3 or 4 glasses of wine and I'm done.


There was this one party at the Betas at Case Western. I remember eating the grapes and other fruit from the punch they had. I passed out on some couch. I didn't have many "blackouts" - but that was one of them. At least I was a happy drunk.

They had jungle juice parties here? Nowadays it's just all-night LAN-parties / chastity club meetings.
I have to go with Mason on this one. Local clubs had penny drinks when I was in my early twenties, and a friend had his own business, and said bar also did "Happy Hour" after work party specials...I do hazily recall ordering a dozen vodka/pineapples one summer eve...:w00t:
I also have an ugly 4th Of July story where your truly drank a bottle and a half of Cuervo Gold....another tale for another time...:blushing:
They had jungle juice parties here? Nowadays it's just all-night LAN-parties / chastity club meetings.

I went to CWRU (1988) fully expecting it to be stocked with nerds in their dorms studying every night and being all.. nerdy. I really wasn't expecting much drinking at all. 3rd night on campus, I went to the Spot with some of my dorm guys to hear some cover band. I was amazed at the volume of drinking that was going on. Shocked more like. It was no OU or Kent State.. but still.. Wow. Soon I discovered that I kind of liked beer. I had no problem finding party after party after party with free flowing alcohol. The whole "grandfather" thing had just passed by so I don't think there was a huge focus made on drinking age and making sure every single person was legal. I kind of looked older so I never got carded, even at the Spot (campus bar!), not to mention the Spider, Club-I, the Euc, etc..

Since I had pretty much been a straight arrow all though HS, I got to college and kind of "let go" so to speak. Boy did I let go. I never joined a frat, but I recall fondly wandering around most of the houses (mostly northside) at one time or another completely trashed.. mostly Phi Kaps, DU's and Theta Chi's.

Good lord.


modern man

Well Jay, I will try to make you proud.

The story is too hot for B&B :w00t: but it involves Batman Boxers.

Here is the partial recap.

8 Beers (lagers)
3 Large Martinis
1 Bottle Champagne (for the toast)
Minimum of 4 bottles of wine 1 red, 1 white, and 2+ mixed (homemade blush)

Then Whiskey, I have no idea how much or what I drank after that.

That was the best Navy Ball I don't remember.

I can’t remember who the guest speaker was, Gordon England or Donald Winter. Regardless of who, I interuped his speach.

I really can't measure or estimate in # of drinks. Open kegs, open bars.. who can tell... There were several times in college I drank so much I probably should have been dead.

There was this one party at the Betas at Case Western. I remember eating the grapes and other fruit from the punch they had. I passed out on some couch. I didn't have many "blackouts" - but that was one of them. At least I was a happy drunk. A friend led me to believe that I made out with the former RA of our dorm. It wasn't until the next year that my friend told me he made it up. It was good thinking on his part because she was leaving and he knew I probably wouldn't see her again.

I can't even begin to relate some of the stupid things I've done while trashed.

Nowadays 3 or 4 glasses of wine and I'm done.



I remember my first "jungle juice" too. :lol:
I am a light weight. The most I have every had to drink in one evening is 3 yes count them 3 glasses of wine.
Once I drank 2 5 litre heiniken mini kegs, then 3 bottles of red wine, and then most of a bottle of zubrowka and half a bottle of bushmills. 2 days later I woke up in a cupboard in a friends dorm room. Best 2 day party ever
Oh boy....

About 5 years ago, my wife (girlfriend at the time) and I were coming up on our Spring Break. I was 21 and she was 20. Bummer. Oh, wait a minute! The drinking age in Ontario is 19!!! Road trip! :rolleyes:

The next day, after almost 10 hours behind the wheel, we pull up to our hotel in Thunder Bay. For those familiar with the area, it was the Travelodge on Memorial Ave. We purposely choose this location for its conveniently located (and attached :ihih:) Fion McCool's Irish Pub (which, after our recent visit, sadly is no longer Fion McCool's...now it's Expressions or some such thing. :frown:).

So, we checked in, ordered a Little Caesar's pizza (purely nostalgic for me as I haven't see LC's back home since I was a little kid). Then we decided to explore the city a bit. It was St. Patrick's Day and the weather sucked (rain/snow), so this excursion didn't last long at all.

My wife: "Let's go drink in the bar!"
Me: "Uh...it's One o'clock in the afternoon..."

1:30 PM At Fion McCool's Irish Pub...

We were literally the only people there, but alas, my wife could legally drink in a bar...woo hoo, right? :rolleyes:

Long story, shorter, our waitress was amazing at what she did. Her timing was perfect and I'm not exaggerating when I say that at the precise moment that one of us would take the last sip from our glass, she would be pouring the next. Moments after we would set an empty down on the table, she's appear to whisk it away, but not before replacing it with the new one. This went on for 12 hours.

Now remember, I said earlier that it was St. Patrick's Day and we were in an Irish pub. At the night progressed, this place literally had a line extending out the door and down the block. Incredible! And we had the best seats in the house...

At some point during the night, we met two young Canadian girls, we'll call them Kristen and Jill. We partied with them for a while and then they were gone. No big deal, right? Well, we'll find out soon...

Bar close. Everybody out! ----> Back at the room...



"You're :censored: drunk, aren't you?"

"Huh?...uh...weeeeve bin dranken fur telve urs....yaah?"

"Who am I?"


"You heard me. Who am I?"

Long pause.

"Kristen? No...Jill!....um...I know who you are and that I'm supposed to be with you, but...I'm sorry honey, I just can't think of your name..."

I passed out at this point and to my wife's credit, I woke up alive the next day.

For those wondering, her name (as I'm sure you've guessed by now) is not Kristen and it's not Jill. It's Desiree.

In the famous words of Lloyd Christmas, "Samsonite! I was waaay off."

Kids? Don't try this at home.

Oh boy....

About 5 years ago, my wife (girlfriend at the time) and I were coming up on our Spring Break. I was 21 and she was 20. Bummer. Oh, wait a minute! The drinking age in Ontario is 19!!! Road trip! :rolleyes:

The next day, after almost 10 hours behind the wheel, we pull up to our hotel in Thunder Bay. For those familiar with the area, it was the Travelodge on Memorial Ave. We purposely choose this location for its conveniently located (and attached :ihih:) Fion McCool's Irish Pub (which, after our recent visit, sadly is no longer Fion McCool's...now it's Expressions or some such thing. :frown:).

So, we checked in, ordered a Little Caesar's pizza (purely nostalgic for me as I haven't see LC's back home since I was a little kid). Then we decided to explore the city a bit. It was St. Patrick's Day and the weather sucked (rain/snow), so this excursion didn't last long at all.

My wife: "Let's go drink in the bar!"
Me: "Uh...it's One o'clock in the afternoon..."

1:30 PM At Fion McCool's Irish Pub...

We were literally the only people there, but alas, my wife could legally drink in a bar...woo hoo, right? :rolleyes:

Long story, shorter, our waitress was amazing at what she did. Her timing was perfect and I'm not exaggerating when I say that at the precise moment that one of us would take the last sip from our glass, she would be pouring the next. Moments after we would set an empty down on the table, she's appear to whisk it away, but not before replacing it with the new one. This went on for 12 hours.

Now remember, I said earlier that it was St. Patrick's Day and we were in an Irish pub. At the night progressed, this place literally had a line extending out the door and down the block. Incredible! And we had the best seats in the house...

At some point during the night, we met two young Canadian girls, we'll call them Kristen and Jill. We partied with them for a while and then they were gone. No big deal, right? Well, we'll find out soon...

Bar close. Everybody out! ----> Back at the room...



"You're :censored: drunk, aren't you?"

"Huh?...uh...weeeeve bin dranken fur telve urs....yaah?"

"Who am I?"


"You heard me. Who am I?"

Long pause.

"Kristen? No...Jill!....um...I know who you are and that I'm supposed to be with you, but...I'm sorry honey, I just can't think of your name..."

I passed out at this point and to my wife's credit, I woke up alive the next day.

For those wondering, her name (as I'm sure you've guessed by now) is not Kristen and it's not Jill. It's Desiree.

In the famous words of Lloyd Christmas, "Samsonite! I was waaay off."

Kids? Don't try this at home.


Hmmmmm...something seems odd about this story. St. Patricks Day...empty bar...1:30 pm? Doesn't seem right. We have been at the local pub at 6:00 am to open up on St. Pattys Day. It does make for a very long day though...
Hmm, there is the most in a short period of time and then there is the most over a good day long or even multi-day binge. I'll do my best to keep this all legal.......

Binges: In college I used to save the beer caps or pull tabs (suitcase of Bud cans = $10 in the 80's - yeah baby!) of whatever I was drinking so I could count up the damage the next day. For a really long night of chaos where stimulants (like caffeine) were applied to stay awake I would have many nicks on my fingers and a full case worth of "beer counters" in my pocket.

SpeedDrink:The only time I ever got sick in college was more of a speed drinking thing. A large alcohol purchase was made and myself and two buddys didn't get the change we were due. An extra bottle of Southern Comfort had been purchased instead. The three of us decided to "drink the change" - to split the bottle up right on the spot. We proceeded to drink it in about a half hour. Then I broke into the bottle I had purchased for that evening - some Yukon Jack. I don't recall how far I made it into that bottle, halfway, maybe more. I don't recall much about that evening. It was the only time I ever got sick in college (the barfing I did in high school when I was an amature, lightweight drinker doesn't count). The experience was most hung over I had ever been in my life. I probably should have had my stomach pumped that evening but I was passed out in my dorm room so no one knew what was going on.

I'm really glad I got all that out of my system back then. I don't recommend anybody do that kind of drinking; its dangerous. But if you are young and testing your limits and didn't listen to mantic about spending two weeks with two with-the-grain passes you aren't gonna listen to any of my advice about this either..... :smile:
There is a time and a place for everything- it is called "college". I think I remember a few 100 beer weekends, many games of "shot in the dark" (one ounce of beer a minute, for three hours which was then abbreviated to two ounces for an hour and 1/2). Then there were events such as 4 guys floating a 1/4 barrel while playing cards or 9 guys on a 1/2, or just warming-up with a case each before htting it hard. Not to mention the numerous games where it was just your normal heavy drinking. My fraternity had a keg on tap 24/7...:blush: Yet, I am alive and somewhat not braindead. Well, not totally braindead.

modern man

Hmmmmm...something seems odd about this story. St. Patricks Day...empty bar...1:30 pm? Doesn't seem right. We have been at the local pub at 6:00 am to open up on St. Pattys Day. It does make for a very long day though...

I would be right their with you..............and I ain't Irish. :lol:

Great storys fellas but no one said we were counting days long parties. I thought this was a one sitting event.

In that case 4 days leave in Australia. I think I drank Perth/Fremantle's supply of Victoria Bitter. Good times, I even took a Striper to the Zoo.
The most memorable was when Mr. Gillette was a military person. He purchased a bottle of Richard's "Wild Irish Rose" a bottle of "Usher's Scotch" a bottle of Amaretto. He lined up a number of motel plastic cups with ice in them, disbursed the contents of these bottles evenly across the available cups until each bottle was empty, tossed them back within about a 10-15 minute period of "Exhibition drinking" put on his nice dress uniform, grabbed a horn, and went out 1/2 hour later to play a concert for some very high ranking Washington-type Navy people. I vaguely remember the beginning of the concert, and I realized that I was to be featured somewhere after the midpoint of the event as a soloist, standing up in front of this group of "Stiffies." I also remember asking someone next to me when I was to play, and they told me I had done so.

Then, while I have no exact recollection of it, I had photographic evidence of a very antimated discussion on who knows what, with an extremely high-ranking Naval officer, who later got grilled a bit during the Ollie North hearings.

I slept for a few days after that.

One other military problem involved 18 cans of "Oly"..(It's all we could get where we were and when it was) and a visit the next day to that particular location by a former actor-turned-governor-of-CA, who co-starred earlier in life with a Chimp named Bonzo. The 18th beer was the last one I counted...and I don't remember anything for the next couple of days, but they just pointed me somewhere and said "hold this horn for awhile and stand here" so I guess I did. I'm told the drinking escalated, but I don't remember.

All kidding aside-- when you start waking up 2 days later in other cities and you don't know how you got there, it's a good time to stop. Mr. G has been clean and sober (well..sober anyway) since December 28 1982.

"Hello, Ouch!"
Well, one time I was in the bar from open (approx 10AM) till close (approx 2AM) after getting out of class... me and two other guys racked up a $500 tab on domestic beer. Needless to say, I'm not too clear on how much was actually drank.

Then there was this one time when I worked at a Subway in Calgary... we got **** drunk, opened the store at 2:30AM and made subs... our boss was a little unimpressed when reviewing the security footage the next day. We also mysteriously acquired a no parking sign which was enthusiastically waved around at traffic by my friend yelling, "that's right! No parking bitches!"

Then there was the other time we played songs from Mario Bros. on continuous loop for 10 hours while watching cartoons and drinking jello shots (seriously drinking... they were made with cooking rum (160 proof) and wouldn't solidify)... people left at about 5:00AM singing the theme from the water level over and over (whoop whoop!).

Those are the only ones I have time for now... they're all college stories... now I actually watch how much I drink. :biggrin:
I've no recollection of the amount (nor of what must've been the interesting details of the remainder of the evening), but I do recall waking up in a bathtub about noon the next day. Took me about 5 years to be able to stand the smell of bourbon again.
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