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What's the difference between open comb and .....non open?

I'm sure this question has been answered on here before, but i'm pretty new to B&B and i'm curious. I have a Merkur 33c and a Merkur 34c HD. What is the difference between these and an open comb razor? Is there a different technique used between the two kinds?
I'm not sure if you've seen an open comb razor:

Maybe it's only rumor or guessing, but I thought that the open comb design was supposed to be helpful for shaving more than one day of growth.

I haven't found the shave to be much different from the more usual kind of guard used today.

The open comb razor I would suggest trying is the 1930's Gillette New. (Not the New Improved, which is from the 1920's.)
Conventional wisdom is that an open comb will work better with longer whiskers. The open comb design is the older design for a safety razor blade guard. Gillette didn't start to phase out the open combs until around 1940. Depending on the manufacturing process, safety bar baseplates are probably less expensive to manufacture.

- Chris
From what I've heard, open combs allow for better lubrication on the blade--lather is able to get through the comb, whereas a safety bar seems to push it out of the way.
I get much better shaves with the open comb. Even some of the blades I thought were duds shave well with the open comb. I never felt like I got a close shave with the closed bar razor. Also I have norash and irration with
the open comb. (That probably is improved technique) Anyway I switch back and forth while testing blades and the open comb is hands down better for me. The only way to know it to try it yourself.
i get better shaves with the open comb. Even some of the blades i thought were duds shave well with the open comb. Also i have norash and irration with the open comb. Anyway i switch back and forth while testing blades and the open comb is better for me.

Thanks guys for all the info, looks like it will be an open comb razor next on my list
I use my open comb when I have a 3 day or more of beard growth, anything less than that and I'll use my safety bar. I find the open comb a bit rough with shorter whiskers. Remember that's me, and YMMV, but the open comb is nice to have around. :001_tongu


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Conventional wisdom is that an open comb will work better with longer whiskers. The open comb design is the older design for a safety razor blade guard. Gillette didn't start to phase out the open combs until around 1940. Depending on the manufacturing process, safety bar baseplates are probably less expensive to manufacture.

- Chris


Technique is the same using open/closed comb.

If you want to try one, a Gillette NEW would be my pick!
If I recall, Gillette phased out the open comb because of manufacturing costs. Also, the idea behind an open comb was that it would leave some lather on your face for another pass.

I do find an open comb a little more aggressive than a safety bar, but I do enjoy them. So far, I've amassed a 1912 single ring, a Goodfella, a R41, and a couple of other Gillettes I can't recall and don't have in my rotation. But those three are all quite good and give terrific shaves.

See if you can't pick up a R41. It's my understanding that they've been discontinued, so you might want to grab one while you still can.
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