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What's my next step?

I've been using an EJ DE89L for a few months now and have no complaints so long as I don't go more than two days between shaves. I really like the shave I get with the DE89, so far as I can tell that means I like a more mild razor. I do find it to be a little light in my hands though. I'm interested in a heavier handle with an open comb and preferably stainless steel. I've seen the stories of DE89s falling apart, though that hasn't happened to mine yet, I wouldn't want to be left without a razor in the event that does happen. Additionally, I'd like to spend under $100.

I'm sure you all have recommendations or might be able to point me towards a fact sheet or something that might aid my search. Let me know!

Thank you in advance.

Edit: I've grown accustomed to Gillette 7 O'clocks, Feather and Derby blades (if that makes a difference)
The Weber razor is a really nice all stainless steel razor that is very well thought of. People absolutely love this razor. Read some reviews on it here and you'll see what I mean. At $70 it fits nicely in your desired price range.

It's a little more aggressive than the EJ but not much. I think you'll like it.
Here's one thread with some pics of the razor in it. There are many more that you'll find here as well.


To buy the razor it may be a little difficult to find as it isn't sold through any secondary vendors, only direct from Weber.
You order it from here


When you go to purchase it will use a link to the Amazon store where it is purchased.
This is the only retail seller of the razor. It is not sold through any other distributors.
I went from an EJ DE89 to a Weber. No regrets here. It is a great razor!
Slightly more aggressive, but I have never nicked myself with it. Shaves better than the EJ with the same blade in my opinion.
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If you're attached to an open comb, that sort of limits you. That is, the mild ones are either out of your price range (the iKon OC 2013) or are no heavier or more robust than your DE89 (the Merkur 1904...) unless there are some mild ones I can't think of. And the aggressive ones (Fatip, Cadet....) are more aggressive than you want. At least, so far as I can think of.... if you're looking vintage, then this opens things up. I have an LC NEW (which I haven't learned to like yet), and a military OLD.... but I'll leave the recommendations for vintage OCs to those who know them and love them better.

The Weber recommendation is excellent, but it's not an OC razor.
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I have a Muhle R89, which is very similar to almost identical to the EJ89. The Weber is more aggressive than the R89, but not in a bad way. I am a huge fan of open comb razors and suggest you start with a Gillette NEW short comb if you go that route, and everyone should have at least one. It is on the lower end of aggressive for NEW open comb razors.

However, the Weber is a hard razor to beat for $70. Get the Classic handle. It's a bit longer and balances the razor very nicely. The handle will also work well with your EJ Head. You will love the shave of the Weber. There is no better value in Stainless Steel anywhere on the market.
Sorry, I didn't see the Open Comb part of the original thread. I will still suggest the Weber even though it's not an Open Comb razor. If you are dead set on an open comb then I have no suggestions in your price range. Ikon OC in stainless will be about $145. Above the Tie will release an Open Comb in three different models of aggressiveness in the next week and a half but I imagine it will be priced at $185 which is the same as their Straight Bar razors. Nobody makes a stainless OC model for under $100. The only true stainless razor under $100 is the Weber.

Here's a suggestion, buy the Weber for $70 and find yourself a vintage Gillette NEW for $30 or less to get your OC fix and still stay within your budget. You can use the heavier Weber handle on the Gillette NEW, or on your current EJ razor as well.

Also, double check but I'm told that you can also use the Gillette NEW cap with the IKON baseplates. This would allow you to just buy the different IKON baseplates for the $37.50 each to use with the NEW cap and Weber handle. They offer SB, OC, and an SB/OC combination baseplate.
So you could then add a lot of nice razor options down the road for not too much additional money.
OK. What's the difference between the Classic and Bulldog handles?

Length and diameter. The Bulldog is 3" long and larger around than the Classic. I don't have the girth measurement. The Classic handle is 3 7/8" long, but not quite as big around. The Classic is about the same diameter of a normal EJ handle, or Muhle handle. For me it is the perfect diameter. The bulldog is too short for me, but may be too fat as well.

Maybe someone with a caliper can measure both for us?
Wow, thanks for all of the responses!

I'm going to try and avoid RAD but I want to try a Gillette New and at least a Weber Bulldog handle to add some weight to my DE89. I'm interested in trying a fatter handle than what I have now. Since I made this post I came across ATT razors and I can't stop thinking about it, maybe I can convince a few relatives to pitch in...
I have the ATT 5 piece kronos setup. It is excellent. The open comb plates for it are being released in about a week and a half from now.
I have the M, R and H baseplates. I like having all three and I'm starting to spend some time with all of them but if I were to purchase just one I'd probably pick the R plate. The OC plates will be available in all three levels of aggressiveness and will be called M2, R2, and H2.
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