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What's a good after shave for a construction worker?

I work in construction. Some days, and be nice, in an air contitioned building in the summer, or in a nice warm building in the winter. However, most of the time, this is not the case. Alot of the time I find myself in industrial settings, covered in oil, and sweat, out in the blistering heat, or the frigid cold, exposed to the elements, rain, and snow, and everything in between.

Are there any other gents on this sight who find themselves working in similar conditions? if so what do you like to use?

In summer time conditions, such as now.I like to use things that don't leave behind too much residue, or that will become messy later. I like to use Proarso splash, osage rub, (sometimes both of them together) dominica bay run,(lime, and regular). But I find that some of the old time classic american after shaves work best. Old spice seems to be a great summer time after shave for these types of conditions, I also like Brut, and Aqua Velva.

In the winter I really like clubman, the smell seems to linger with me all day, and it really makes my face feel soft. Some other timeless classics that i like to wear to work no matter what time of the year, are Tabac, and Speik.

What about you other construction workers, or others who are out in the elements. What do you like to use for different times of the year?
I have to say, you're already using all the A/S splashes that came to my mind for being outdoors in the heat, and we have plenty of both heat and humidity in Houston. I like Musgo Real A/S lotion, too, but have to be careful and not apply too much, as it can get a little "tacky" feeling.

I also agree with Bokaba's Aqua Velva suggestion. I also like a few other "classics", like Stetson and Royall Spyce. In the winter, I go for more A/S balms. I do really like The Gentlemens Refinery After Shave Lotion. It's more of a "milk" type product, and is very, very nice. It's great year-round.
I'm not a construction worker, but have worked in similar settings before and I like all the ones you mentioned. AV and Osage Rub are definately two of my favorites!
I also live in Houston and have found that

you can never go wrong with AV. Florida Water would be nice too.

Also, Pinaud Lilac Vegetal is very refreshing and has a great light scent*--perfect for summer!

*subject to controversy
When I'm going to be outside all day, I like to use my Witch Hazel/Aloe Vera gel concoction. It helps with wind-burn in the winter and isn't too heavy in the summer.
When I used to work like that, I carried a little bottle of Osage Rub in my toolbox. It's a great all purpose splash- also comes in handy treating cuts and burns. Mix it with Aqua Velva if you want a nicer scent.
Tonight after work, After my after work shower, i thrw on some old spice. I didn't shave. I'm going to do that tomorrow morning. i havn;t worn old spice in a couple of months, and I miss the smell. I may throw some on tomorrow morning, if i dont go with the osage rub, and aqua velva.
I have been using a Witch Hazel with Eucalyptus EO (Added the EO myself) usually followed up with NO-AD 45 Sport sun block during the summer. I work outside in the Coachella Valley so I know what you're going through. I picked up a bottle of Osage though since I want more cooling now that the days are 108+. AV and Pinaud Bay Rum are two that I use any time of year.
I work in pretty similar conditions (basically either very hot or very cold) and I seem to reach for Italian Floid for the hotter days or Old Spice for the colder 99% of the time. I used to use Proraso splash a lot, too.

Generally, I don't like balms as they make my face feel greasy and it's not a good idea to rub my face when i'm at work in case I get oil or swarf or whatever in my eyes, so using a splash eliminates that for me.
today i went with Proraso shave soap, and aqua velva, and osage rub....

Can you say menthol? I'm glad i took out my bottle of Aqua velva. It's been a while.
I would stay away from balms. They are too heavy in the summer months. Splashes work best for your application.
I work in the street maint. division of the city I live in here in KS. For some reason it is humid here during the summer also, not like Houston where my wife is from. I use the splash's already mentioned plus I really like the Ogallala BayRum, Limes, and Peppercorns AS. Not too heavy of a scent on the hot summer days.
I work in the corrugated paper industry..outside temp +10 to 15 degrees. That is on top of the oppressive heat and humidity here in the Magnolia state. For me AV Blue is my go to after my pre work shower. AV musk is my usual after work shower and shave finisher. I love that AV blue before I hit the heat.:001_smile
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