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What wrist?

Left handed, wear watches on my right wrist, and I admit I am a face don watch wearer. I wish I could easily explain why I wear a watch face down, but I can't. It just feels comfortable.
All that dominant hand/non-dominant hand stuff is fine ... but I think the bottom line for most people is they have to wear their watch on the non-dominant side because they don't have enough dexterity with the non-dom hand to put the darn watch on ... at least that's true for me. I do most things right-handed -- but I write and eat with my left hand, with which I have much better fine motor skills. And the watch? It's on my right wrist.
As annother side note, I feel naked without a watch. When I worked for the Forest Service my watch battery died early into a two week dispatch. I gave a guy on my crew one hundred bucks for his $5.00 digital just so I could make it through the roll. My question is if anyone else on this forum feels the same way about wearing watches? In the past 15 years I've forgot to mine on after a morning shower once or twice and it really messed up my day.

ha, funny, I'm the opposite. I would have given you mine....:lol:
I quite wearing a watch at work long ago. I would watch it... and watch it......... made my days drag out endlessly. When I quite fixating on the thought "when will this day end?" and forgot about it, time would fly by and the work day would seem to end that much sooner. Nowadays, my work schedual is more goal oriented, no real fixed start/ stop times. It's done when it's done, and thats when we'll stop.
Now I only wear a watch to dress up a bit and show a bit of class.

BTW: Left wrist (right handed) face up.:biggrin1:
people who wear their watch on their right wrist are weird. I always think they're a little off kilter.

:angry: I'm a lefty - right wrist, face up.

left wrist, facing up. The classic way to wear a watch. Its how they are designed to be worn. You try using the crown of a mechanical watch with your left hand if your wearing it on your right wrist.

Pretty impossible huh!!

Many lefties learn at a young age how much the watch gets in the way or damaged on the left wrist. The crown orientation issue is negligible and if I need to change the time or make an adjustment? Taking it off seems to work! :001_rolle
I haven't worn a wrist-watch in more than 20 years, because I find them uncomfortable. Still, even before I got a cell-phone, I was always able to approximate the time within 20 minutes or so.

When I did wear a watch, it was on the left wrist, face down. I am right-handed.
I am left-handed but have always worn my watch on the left wrist in the normal manner.

Same for me as well. I don't know if it's because I was the only lefty in a family of right handed people or not, but left wrist/face up has always felt "right" for me.
Me, too.

These days, we who wear watches are probably a vanishing breed since it seems most people just rely on their cellphones for telling time.

I work in IT and yes, few of us wear watches. Checking the time gives my coworkers another chance to handle their precious iphones :001_rolle

..... left wrist face up.
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