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What would be the least too most closest shaves of the merkur/muhle razors?

Hi all! I am looking too purchasse in a while a new merkur or muhle saftey razor. Now ive read the R41 grande gives the closest shaves, next too a straight razor. I do have a merkur(handle looks like its form 1913, something like that, bought it on westcoastshaving) its really smooth and shaves nice:) but im looking for one thats really close...
so! how would everyone rate in order the least closest too most closest? listing models.. like 1-10, or 4 , something like that. what i want is not too agrressive, but really close.
From what you say you now have a Merkur 1904 model if yours looks like the attached photo. That is considered a very mild shaving razor

You might want to try either the Merkur 37c or 39c (same razor different length handles) before stepping up to the Muhle R41.

Here is the review I did last year on both slant head models (37c and 39c) if you want to read it over.


Just some friendly advice

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Not to pop your balloon, ziggy1706, but closeness is much more a factor of preparation and technique than razor selection, IMO.

Good prep and technique can achieve a close and comfortable shave with just about any combination of razor and blade. I can certainly understand the male obsession with "biggest, fastest, loudest" etc..., and I can remember asking a similar question when I was just starting out myself. Truth be told, though, you don't NEED the closest-shaving razor to get the best shaves. You just need a combination that works for YOU. How can you find such a magical shave, you might ask? Just like getting to Carnegie Hall, the answer is "Practice!"

That said, if I PERSONALLY had to choose the razor of all that I own that shaves me the closest (in a single pass) with the least irritation, it would be my Hoffritz slant--with an Astra SP or Red Personna blade loaded in it. Does that mean that will be true for you as well? Almost definitely not.
+1. And by much more, like 95%.
thanks! Yes, i have the 1904 model. Very mild indeed, but smooth. I do have the slant. I used it once, last year, short handle, and it started to chew my face up pretty good....
Ive also read about the progress, the futur... how would those rate alongside the R41 grande???
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