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What was your Ahh Moment?

When I got my technique down and got my first shave without irritating my neck, there was no going back. Not that I would've went back anyway, I don't miss carts and feeling like a cheese grater is running down my face.
I had never tried DE wet shaving, always thought it would cut me up, how do I hold the razor etc.

I did try a shavette I had purchased from my barber in the late 1980's. This was because he was an artist and I always enjoyed the visit to the barbershop. I used the shavette on my face, did have nicks now and then.

Stopped using it and switched to a disposable when I became a head-shaver. Could not use the shavette on my head. Did try, with the result of cuts here and there.

I read about DE shaving on the Art of Manliness web-page, and then here.

The big ahh moment came at the first pass!!
wow! this is so easy, and such a smooth shave!

Then the RAD started :laugh:
Remember, RAD is not a disease. You can quit any time you want. I've done it dozens of times.


Every time someone tells me how hard it is to quit smoking I tell them, "I have a friend who has quit at least 100 times. How hard could it be?"
I switched about a year and a half ago, and I knew by the end of my first week that this was for me. I just felt so much classier, and my face felt and looked so much better. My acne problems have practically gone away entirely, and I get a much more smooth look and feel.
That hideous King of Shaves 5-blade thing was the final straw for me.
I'd been begrudgingly using Mach 3's for the last 5 or 6 years, the imo better Sensor Excel before that. The carts just became too expensive & I was sick of pulling out multiple hairs from the same follicle (look like extra thick single hairs) & that has stopped since I started DE shaving.
The worst thing about DE shaving is that one size definitely does not fit all! I wish I knew now about how useless Weishi TTO's are & how Derby, Astra SP & most St Petersburg blades will mess my face up badly for 2 or 3 days.
My favourite thing about DE shaving is the creams - I'd previously been using KoS gel for the last 10 years...
In the mid 60s.

No other alternative except an electric razor and I didn't have (or want) one.

I tried the electrics for about 18 months. After that I understood why my dad gave up on his all those years ago.

I can see that a car electric in the glovebox for those times your running up on a customer site at the end of a day might make sense from the personal presentation perspective. But as a regular tool they're terrible. Just terrible.
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