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What to pack when flying without DE blades?

I'm about to fly overseas for work for a few days, travelling with only hand luggage, which means -- no DE razor blades! As a solution in the past, I've taken disposables, but this is far from ideal. The cheapest disposables, made by Bic and others, have a fixed head and only one blade, so these seem best if like me you've forgotten how to shave with the hinged-head, multi-blade thingys. On the other hand, they're horribly plastic-y and light. Any suggestions?
The Bic Sensitive is actually pretty darn good as a stand in for DE. Single or twin blade. A small package is typically cheaper than a pack of DE blades at a brick & mortar. Take samplers and do your normal preparation. I have a bunch of Truefitt & Hill samplers for when I travel, and a small synthetic brush because it dries faster.

Not ideal but it's compact and no fuss.
I recently had to travel by air with a carry-one myself. I had an old metal Gillette Atra handle (not sure what Gillette calls it in England), and bought some cheap Atra knock-off cartridges made by Dorco. They did a much better job than I expected. Of course, I did my usual prep.

Don't know where you're flying to, but you can always pack your razor, and take a chance and see what's available there as far as blades go.
Thanks for the suggestions! I have the Boots (big UK chain) sensitive disposables, which are basically copies of the Bic but made in Israel, so probably packing a Personna blade. I'll try them this time and maybe next time go for an Atra or equivalent next time round. I've got a Palmolive stick and my old bristle&badger brush - though the synthetic sounds good if dries faster. Travelling with a wet brush is kind of nasty.

I'm off to Germany, so picking up DE blades there is not out of the question (I guess - I've never tried). Maybe I'll stick a ball-end Tech in the bag too...
Well I'm back and I found the Boots 'sensitive' disposables (much the same as the Bic ones) ok but the shave wasn't particularly close even after three passes. So I guess there is a reason we use these heavy metal razors ;)
Well I'm back and I found the Boots 'sensitive' disposables (much the same as the Bic ones) ok but the shave wasn't particularly close even after three passes. So I guess there is a reason we use these heavy metal razors ;)

Depending on where you are traveling DE blades can be found in most pharmacies. If you are going to be staying at a hotel with limited transit options it might be a little more work to locate them. Ask the hotel concierge where the nearest pharmacy is located and contact them by phone. Depending on the hotel you are staying at you may be able to get the concierge to locate them for you.
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The Lather Maestro
I travel a lot and I use these.


They don't weigh anything, and you have to PRESS like the dickens, but they work pretty well. I bought 60 of them (a dozen 5-packs) from Amazon, they are good for about 2 shaves. The nice thing is they have a single blade with a little metal guard that flattens and stretches the skin in front of the blade. They are not ideal, but I'd rather use them than check luggage and they work fairly well.


They are also cheap! like 50 cents per.
I was in Poland a couple of weeks back and so I took my old Mach 3, as I was only taking carry on. Took ages to shave, and just couldn't get a decent result. But at least I looked clean-shaven. I guess I've been spoiled by the last few months with my feather artist.
I fly often for business and I usually tend to have some Fusion's handy for this purpose.
Shower and shave, with the usual prep does a decent enough job, not as good as my Merkur 180, but decent.
As a wise viking once said, order is important, pillage,plunder and burn.
Having shaved a DE razor for the last 15 years or so I just don't trust myself with a modern pivot head razor. It's not snobbery, I just don't want to have to learn a different technique, especially in a hotel bathroom! But the Bic Metal - a disposable with a metal guard does sound good. They don't seem to be as cheap here in England but blademail sells them in single 5-packs so I'll definitely be giving them a go next time I fly.
Buy a good Trac II handle then.

Besides, I would hardly call the Atra modern. Thankfully it doesn't have gimmicks like spring mounted blades or rubber strips.

Don't buy the modern Vector handles though ... they are inferior compared to the real ones.
Depending on where you are traveling DE blades can be found in most pharmacies. If you are going to be staying at a hotel with limited transit options it might be a little more work to locate them. Ask the hotel concierge where the nearest pharmacy is located and contact them by phone. Depending on the hotel you are staying at you may be able to get the concierge to locate them for you.

I always check my bag, but to add to what Turtle says, I have even had hotels send someone out to a pharmacy for me.
Just a quick coda to my original query and all the good advice here - I took the Bic Metals with me on my last two trips overseas, and found them a considerable improvement on the Bic Sensitives. I actually got good results with a 3-pass shave with these, though as John said, they only last two shaves. As an added bonus, on the trip to France I discovered Monsavon soap, but that's another story :001_cool:
Gillette Guard, Pseudo open comb, plastic, single blade. I just picked up some of these for my traveling needs. I haven't had a chance to use them yet.
Travel is a tough go with our wet shaving passion. The choice is to check baggage or carry on. When I check my bag it is often selected for a security screen by the TSA, mostly I believe because of the DE blades. Samples of cream, or a aluminum travel tub to hold your favorite soap is the thing to do. I am awaiting a synthetic brush as we speak. Any suggestions where to find small plastic (10-20 ML) to put AS in? Would love to bring some bay rum with me.
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