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What to get in Australia?

Noble gentlemen (and fine ladies),

In about four weeks I'm off for a 3 week vacation in Oz. To emulate similar thread or two that have been hovering around last weeks, do you have any suggestions as of what I should definitely not miss in acquiring? Shaving related goodies ideas are mostly welcome, I was focusing a bit on the Goodfellas DE razors but haven't really found anything else. I'm afraid that due to size considerations didgeridoos are out of the question and I'm not too particular about the signature leather hats either.
Thanks in advance for advices and enjoy the rest of the weekend!



"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I don't know if you will be able to find a Goodfella as it's made in New Zealand and I never saw it anywhere here.

What to get? Palmolive shaving stick (Previously known as Mennen) , Palmolive Shaving Cream, Faulding Shaving cream. Those 3 are the easiest to find. They are available in every Grocery store, pharmacy and chemist. If you have to pick only 1, I would recommend the Palmolive shaving cream. For $2.25, it's a steal! Faulding is good, a bit woodsy in the scent. The shaving stick is a bit difficult to work with (needs a lot of water) but OK product.

Other than that, Windsor shaving soap is quite nice.

There's the Australian Brut Aftershave (it's not exactly the same than the Euro version or American). I did a review on it: http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=144119

There's Imperial Leather Aftershave. I would go for the original (red), not Vertigo (Grey).

Finally, depending on where you go, I would recommend looking at the shaving supplies list for Australia: http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/index.php/Australia_shaving_supplies
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"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
The last one... My favorite...

Koala hair brushes are very popular here. Not sold overseas, we've an image to maintain. Like Badger's, Koalas are very angry, vicious creatures, but they fall asleep ridiculously easily, stoned on eucalytus leaves. Make them easy to catch...

Coin purses made from Kangaroo scrotums are also a big seller. Shavers here routinely use these for blade banks or storing Koala hair brushes.

Emus are useless for making shaving products, but they are on our national emblem, as are Kangaroos. So we eat them both. Not all at once of course - that's reserved for the Australia day Holiday.

Best find out about the Dropbears when you get here, the truth puts off the tourist trade. I never got shortlisted for that job with the tourist board, was very disappointed.
Stay well clear of either this


or this


Both are camel pee masquarading as beer.
Having watched numerous television shows over the years about the nasty Australian outback and all it's deadly creatures, Luc's video plays right into the stereotype.

The death of that wild and crazy Aussie, who was always was on television catching snakes, didn't help either.

Anyhow, when I think of Australia, shaving gear is not the first thing that comes to mind.
Anyhow, when I think of Australia, shaving gear is not the first thing that comes to mind.
Until you've shaved with a live crocodile, you haven't really shaved at all.

The maxim that the chin is the trickiest part, is never more true...
:lol: gentlemen, you truly are fountains of wisdom and sources of spiritual enlightenment. I actually haven't heard of dropbears before, I'll make sure to steer clear from them. I'd expect the respective shaving brush may be highly valued, mostly by the buggers themselves...
That shaving milk sounds intriguing, I'll try to hunt it down! Unfortunately, alcohol-based aftershaves don't go along with my skin.
And koala brush, of course :thumbup1: On the coin purse I may pass..
Of course, hunting shaving shops is not the focal point of the entire experience, but I'd hate to miss to pick up something I may regret afterwards.
Thanks guys a lot for all the feedback and keep the suggestions rolling in!
If you don't like coin purses made from Kangaroo bits, pick up one made from a cane toad. You'll help eradicate an invasive species, and it's always good for a laugh down at the pub. I love mine and will never be without it. Best Australian souvenir money can buy.

And VB is indeed horrendous.

Also, contrary to popular advertising elsewhere, Fosters is not Australian for beer. If you find someone who is even willing to drink it, don't take his advice on brews!

I have to second the kangaroo scrotum though. I have one and find it extremely useful. No joke.
Shave related items are pretty much covered... Make sure you get yourself to an AFL game...

As for Aussie beers you can't go past Little Creatures!
I'll second the Little Creatures Pale Ale suggestion. I also feel that it's hard to go wrong with James Squire (I like the Amber Ale). If you just like lager, then James Boag's or Cascade are pretty good.

Then of course there's the wine...
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