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What to expect from Tabac and the Col.?

Just pulled the trigger on a puck each of Tabac and Col. Conk Bay Rum.
So far my only experience with soaps is a VDH puck that does decently. Just curious as to what I might expect from these soaps.

How easy are they to lather?
How strong is fragrance?
Is it a good fragrance?

Stuff like that.

Thanks for any info!!
I believe Col. Conk is just scented VDH. Comes in the same kind of package, same shape, etc.

Tabac, expect mounds of lovely, wonderful, tallowy goodness, a fragrance that people either love (me!) or hate, and a terrific shave. :drool:
In answer to your question.....Conks and VDH are a lot alike. The scent on the Conks is a little nicer....

Tabac....well....just do a search for Tabac. You'll see about 2 billion threads and posts devoted to what is perhaps one of the best values and best soaps out there.

I own a number of soaps (10+) but Tabac is still my go to soap for a smooth nick-free no irriation shave. Simply put....it can't be beat. FWIW...some people can't stand the smell, but I love it, and more importantly SWMBO also loves it. YMMV.

ALSO....a puck of Tabac will last a looooong time. I bought my first puck in July of last year and even with very regular use (at least 3 shaves per week) I'm only a little over half way through it. Gotta love that triple milled soap. BTW....if you don't have a good boar brush, now is the time to get one. Badger does ok on Tabac, but boar is really good for a hard soap like Tabac. That being said, even a VDH boar brush will do a magnificent job with Tabac.
In answer to your question.....Conks and VDH are a lot alike. The scent on the Conks is a little nicer....

Tabac....well....just do a search for Tabac. You'll see about 2 billion threads and posts devoted to what is perhaps one of the best values and best soaps out there.

I own a number of soaps (10+) but Tabac is still my go to soap for a smooth nick-free no irriation shave. Simply put....it can't be beat. FWIW...some people can't stand the smell, but I love it, and more importantly SWMBO also loves it. YMMV.

ALSO....a puck of Tabac will last a looooong time. I bought my first puck in July of last year and even with very regular use (at least 3 shaves per week) I'm only a little over half way through it. Gotta love that triple milled soap. BTW....if you don't have a good boar brush, now is the time to get one. Badger does ok on Tabac, but boar is really good for a hard soap like Tabac. That being said, even a VDH boar brush will do a magnificent job with Tabac.

Thanks for the replies :).
I do have a VDH boar, but what are some other good boar brushes? I hear Omega is good, but which one? Hmmm.... Decisions...
Thanks for the replies :).
I do have a VDH boar, but what are some other good boar brushes? I hear Omega is good, but which one? Hmmm.... Decisions...

Omega is good. Personally Gary at shoeboxshaveshop has some good deals and he's good to work with (no connection to Gary, just a satisfied customer). I have an Omega 81056 that is pretty nice, but if I had my pick of Omegas it would be the 31064. I love the look and I like the 25mm knot (the 81056 is a 23 mm knot). They have good backbone and are great brushes at a reasonable price. I also like the look of the Semogue 1305, but I've never tried it. Lots of guys here have them and love them.
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