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What to do with old Cans of foam? Use it with soap/cream?

I had about half a can of Barbasol left over before I switched over to a brush permanently. My wife had a pair of white Nikes that had seen better days and she was about ready to toss them. I took the shoes and cleaned them up sparkly white with the Barbasol and a couple of cleaning rags. Barbasol is also excellent for breaking in and softening baseball gloves too.
Domestic violence and homeless shelters are always looking for shaving cream in a can. Some want new, but I am sure some take used in good condition.
They sat for months unused. Then I picked up a Gillette Guard, the kind that is sold in India, and used it together with the old canned foam for body shaves in the shower.
Seriously? Donate to homeless? Toss in garbage? Uber lather with a good soap? Have none of you been paying attention to how this plague spreads? I'm sorry, but if you have old foam or gel in a can laying around the only reliable way of disposing of them once and for all is to man up and put them down for good. I know it sounds harsh, but its the responsible thing to do.

Step 1) Find a quiet place in the country.
Step 2) Dig a hole about the size of shoe box, to a depth of no less than 3 feet.
Step 3) Go home, pack your cans of foam in your travel bag so they think you are just taking them along on another road trip. Don't look anxious or act suspicious in any way. If they pick up on your tension you are finished.
Step 4) When you get to the predug hole out in the countryside, place a cartridge type razor in the bottom of the hole as bait.
Step 5) Take the cans of foam out of the travel bag, place them in the hole with the razor. Once they see the cartridge razor they will calm down and quietly snuggle with the razor. That's your opportunity.
Step 6) Don eye and ear protection, load your weapon, calmly and smoothly shoot each can of foam center mass.
Step 7) Back fill hole and leave.

Its the only way fella's. We cant take the chance of them spreading their disease.

I had a couple cans of Barbasol that had been laying around for years. This past summer I finally put them out of my misery. I took them out back and dispatched them with my trusty Smith & Wesson model 629 stainless steel .44 magnum revolver w/ 8-3/8" barrel, target sights and trigger, and Hogue combat grips. I hand loaded the cartridges for white tail deer hunting. 240 gr hollow point bullet pushed by H110 powder and mag primer. Muzzle velocity is just a tick shy of 2,000 feet per second. Kicks like a beast but sent those cans of foam straight to their maker. 2 rounds fired, 2 dead cans of Barbasol.

This is the firearms thread isn't it?

You must be my brother from another mother.
Let the kids play with the stuff, in the bathtub, along with a plastic play razor.
I used to buy cheap stuff from the store JUST so my boys could play with it in the shower. I would spray a blob on the door and let them scrub and play As little ones they enjoyed it ...my wife not as much (even though it cleaned right up it still bothered her). As they got older just stopped buying extra UNLESS I was going to let them shoot at the cans with thier Red Rider. If I had an extra can laying around now I'd probably shoot it. Shave soap and skunky beer make fun plinking targets for boys young and old.

Donate to charity, to a homeless shelter or some such. Someone out there can use them.
I still buy barbasol on a regular basis ...it just doesn't make it home. Drop it off at the rescue mission BEFORE it ever gets home, that way every can they get is new and fresh. Thanks to you guys here, I started buying the Yellow cans with lanolin because so many of y'all say it's the most tolerable of the bunch. I just recently started getting a half dozen Williams pucks to drop off along with the cans, figure I'll let them decide what they want to grab off the shelf.

I can't support the "rub it on the mirror" idea. I think you folks are playing a joke on us unsuspecting gents. I tried that. After a good 20 mins of rubbing it finally had rubbed clean...I eagerly showered expecting a fog free mirror. NOPE. Should have just shot the can.
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I keep my old can of Nivea Sensitive.
It really does work to keep the bathroom mirror from fogging up.
Trouble is, I hate using any of my brushes to smear the stuff around.
I did that once and it took too long to clean the brush.
Now I just spread it with my fingers.

On the other hand, if I had any kind of arsenal anymore..... that would be fun in the desert.
I can't support the "rub it on the mirror" idea. I think you folks are playing a joke on us unsuspecting gents. I tried that. After a good 20 mins of rubbing it finally had rubbed clean...I eagerly showered expecting a fog free mirror. NOPE. Should have just shot the can.

you must have been using the wrong brand. :lol:
...I can't support the "rub it on the mirror" idea. I think you folks are playing a joke on us unsuspecting gents. I tried that. After a good 20 mins of rubbing it finally had rubbed clean...I eagerly showered expecting a fog free mirror. NOPE. Should have just shot the can.

SCUBA divers' trick - coat the inside of your dive mask with Johnson's No More Tears Baby Shampoo. No tears, and when lightly rinsed it'll keep your mask fog-free for the day. Same thing works to keep your mirror fog-free when shaving in the shower, though you really don't need No Tears in the shower. I've used shaving cream on my mirror, but I find that shampoo works better.
I've got some johnsons 'S no tears somewhere, I might be willing to give it a go. The foggy mirror is indeed a hassle. Besides, shooting an old bottle of shampoo is no fun.
When I made the switch to DE I went through the bathroom cupboards, packed up all the unused cart, disposables, shaving goo, toothpastes, toothbrushes and soaps that we had accumulated over the years and dropped them off at a men's shelter nearby. They were much appreciated. Its amazing the stuff we accumulate without thinking.
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When I made the switch to DE I went through the bathroom cupboards, packed up all the unused cart, disposables, shaving goo, toothpastes, toothbrushes and soaps that we had accumulated over the years and dropped them off at a men's shelter nearby. They were much appreciated. Its amazing the stuff we accumulate without thinking.

I'll bet if we called it a PIF it'd happen more often...
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