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What Solid Stainless Razor has a Head Closest to Merkur 34C

I have been searching for the perfect High End DE razor and nothing has satisfied me better than my Merkur 34C. So for all the experts out there, can anyone tell me which of the currently available all stainless DE razors has a head that most closely resembles the 34C?

I don't have a Merkur 34C, but after having a look at on-line pictures then I think the Weber looks like it is the closest match to me.
Take a pass on the Titan H1.

In regards to the actual design itself, the Weber is worth waiting for. It's a great value for your money - far better return than any of the other current "artisan" razors out there.

If you're looking for a similar - or slightly more aggressive - shave quality, the Tradere SB is a very nice razor. It will shave a little closer than the Weber - and still be a very smooth shaver. The Tradere SB is also built extremely well.
I have a Merkur 34C and a Weber, the two razors are very similar in appearance and shaving characteristics. With the disclaimer that I've not tried the Titan - although from what I've read the medium version would be closer to the HD - the Weber is as close as you'll get to an SS HD.
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